
Almost certainly there was some ass-hattery occurring before the filming started to entice someone to take their phone out and start the filming in the first place and chances are near 100% that the Z was actively wearing that hat as well. On a positive note, filmed in landscape.

Looks like they used a standard tow rope instead of a kinetic rope. Getting a running start with a standard rope will end poorly no matter where its shackled.

I had 5 3/4s E Codes in my 00 Impreza and they were likewise fantastic lights.

Grandfathered AT&T unlimited data

the only reason i have jb. allows native tether for us att unlimited data folks

I had one ride in a Class 8 race truck through the desert. It was a combination of yelling at the top of my lungs and clenching my ass to keep the poop in.

Yeah. They could have both a 2 and 4 door model. That 4 door model could really lead to Unlimited possibilities.

Jee, if only someone could Wrangle up some sort of convertible SUV...Maybe someone might even form a small aftermarket for them...

That’s why it will never happen.

Hey, can we not paint 300 million people with the “shoots things at random” brush? Thank you!

Yes. This is the correct, non-asshole way. Also, since most cars have only the driver, especially far out, park so the next car’s passenger door is on the side of your car. Not a bad idea no matter what as it greatly reduces the chance of a ding. Looking at the slope of the lot is good as well. Definitely don't park

See the nice little curb and strip of grass to the left of where the truck is parked? Mr BMW should have parked in that spot, hugging the curb. He would have been in one spot, and had ample space between him and anyone who would have parked next to him. Instead he chose to park like an ass, then escalate like a child

This is fantastic news. I was just thinking to myself, “Man, there are just nowhere near enough Fiat-Chrysler dealers. Nowhere NEAR enough places to vend these fine, hugely popular automobiles.”

Used to design this stuff for a living. You are right on.

True. But they don’t just bounce from side to side, off a nail, into a bell, down a hole.

Just for the syphilis hallucination musical number alone.

The origin of powering up a computer is based on some cowboy shit kickers? I so WISH it was called ShitKicking, instead Bootstraping. “Hey Fred, go shitkick my laptop for me, and if you get a blue screen, you’ll need to reshitkick it.”

Also in the Not-Acceptable-Recovery-Methods category...