
Best car 95 Pontiac Bonneville SSE, I love that car and I still feel bad for selling it over 8 years later. I hurt every time i see one. I kept it all stock and only had to do regular maintenance. It had an air compressor with a on/off switch and hose in the trunk so I could air up balls, tires ect. I used it all the

Didn’t even read the article and I don’t ride (yet) and the answer is buy a cheap one, 2k-ish max learn it, love it, cut your teeth on it, and when you’ve done that you’ll know what your looking for in a bike.

Aside from the odd rim color combo that’s not too bad looking, but I get what your point was. CP

So several years back I was buying a 97 ZJ with the intent of using it for mild off roading/adventures and upon looking it over I noticed the tires were not in the best of shape and it had some rust among other things, small issues that since i was gonna take this off road. I buy it park it for a week till i get a

Mitsu is gonna go away in a few years or be completely different brand than it is today. I don’t see another way


Add apple cider viniger and some spice to make it your own is even better then let it simmer for 5 minutes to reduce.

The lesson is don’t do it.

Porsche Cayenne is the answer, this one is 11 years old and should stay under budget.

Neutral: What’s The Biggest Immediate Challenge Facing Autonomous Cars?

WOW! This car seems to be getting a lot of hate and i was not expecting that from this community. It’s a dream car with a FIXABLE gremlin something I would drop off at my mechanics garage and have him sort through ASAP. For a car with this level of performance you will spend more than $48k. I would offer less to cover

Trump is more akin to used toilet paper than a whataburger wrapper! Whatabuger is awesome! Trump is not

Love post war car design, the sweeping curves and lines just beautiful cars.

I guess I’m the odd one here, the mustang looks good but not anywhere near the camaro, then you add in the fact the mustang isn’t even on the same level of performance it,s a no brained. Camaro all Damn day ftw!!!2

The Toyota’s and the LeSabre are far from unreliable.

The lesabre is actually a decent car that with basic maintenance will go 400k I’ve driven seven few. The Toyota’s Lexus included are boring appliances. The fact that the dodge interepid didn’t make this list makes this list b.s. if any of these we’re offered to me for free I’d take it. Doesn’t mean it’d keep it long

That’s great to hear I love this site I love the community of commenters I hope you’ll continue to keep doing what you’re doing and hopefully win the case.

Chevy already uses aluminum in their vehicles.Don’t use aluminum beds and they should be fine. It's not necessarily the metal you use just where you choose to put it.

I’d drive that after an LS swap.

Couldn’t of said it better myself.