
Just watched the new episode and Harris needs to calm down I know he’s excited, I’m excited but he needs to calm down with all that yelling. Sabine was what I expected but the one who stole the show (for me at least) was Matt and i didn’t think he was gonna be good but he’s better than any of the TG USA host’s

Column shifters need to come back on, I miss them and unless they need to be in the center why not more cup holders never hurt nobody.

Scissor jacks and the pulleys, I’m always worries something may get caught and pull me into the fan. Even if it’s off or if I’ve made sure everything’s safe the thought is always haunting me. As far as scissor jacks go had one collapse on me, it was my fault using it on gravel but I still don’t trust them.

I had a simular situation happen, replace rusty car with scissor jack on gravel and I poked my head under to have a quick look when the jack collapsed with my head pinned between the transmission and the gravel. Still to this day whenever I think of that it still stirs some of the feelings I felt that day. So unless

My God that's amazing!

My mom has always been a fan of anything I was interested in if she didn’t know she found away to know, when I wanted to learn auto mechanics she happily let me tinker on her dd even though she knew there was a good chance she might have to pay someone to fix my fuck up, and a few times she did and once while she was

Looks better than the sedan version, too bad no 4x4 was offered but could be one bad grocery getter! I like the those lines and grill. There’s a sedan like it that drives around my area and it’s nice but the wagons look better.

Worth it, the engine swap makes it more reliable and the electronics system can be sorted out if it ever goes bad. Now its faster more powerful and louder! The ugly steering wheel can be replaced and I think everyone should remember it’s a freakin bent. NP

I once bought a 99 explorer and at first it was great kinda did everything i thought it would and some after 6 six i hated that thing, not because it fell apart thought that didn’t help, after a while i just grew to hate to look the drive and everything else about that pos. Almost never bought another suv after that

Both batteries and hydrogen have huge uphill climbs to dethrone the ICE, both would need info structure our current grid would need an overhaul to handle 100 million cars a chargin. I don’t think either will be taking over for 20 years or so, they both need a big break through or two to be ready for the lime light.

Don’t care how “cool” it looks or that it was featured in back to the future or that is collectible. For 25k you can buy a collectible car that is fun to drive or a car that is better there’s nothing about that car that makes it 25k CP all day.

Damn that’s a nice interior! Too bad we’ll never see it here, still a nice piece of eye candy!

That’s sweet ride, I’m with you Ok the taking that over a ( insert boring car name), but trying to bleed hellcat numbers will bring issues and reliability is an issue it’s German but the driving pleasure make itworth while.

No records are a no go you can say it was rebuilt workout proof they’re just words. Also that’s the ugliest Ferrari they made for that price got can get a lot more car elsewhere.

100% right fast and loud and every other show like it sucks top gear was about the cars first and foremost Jeremy,James and Richard were there to tell the story in a unique way and why i still watch reruns. Its car car show about cars and that’s why i watch. Amazon gotta a new prime member lol

To your last point you should look at the biggest city near you for better prices usually competition brings prices down, and good research

I think it will work as far as incentives for fixing the recall, im gonna hurry up and get it done i assume others will see it worth their time and possibly their safety as well

All that news sounds fantastic, but i hope, no pray, i pray they update that design a bit. The face is just off putting the lines are great the grill and headlights need reworked.

I take that bet and say they will also look at the other devices on the market and say they only improved upon product already in the market place, the only difference was and is ios. Apple would rather be in the field alone, without competition, actions speak louder than words, but steve already told everyone he