
I know people are angry at the oil companies for being greedy with prices but people really need to get angry at city planners and zoning laws.

Adjust it for punishment? Yes. Adjust it to prevent him from doing this again, by making sure he learns from his mistakes? Sounds like a game of “punch this concrete pillar with my face until the skyscraper collapses.”

36th Marines Brigade at the Illich steel plant was about 1200 men captured in mid April iirc, now around 2500 at Azovstal, and steady streams of smaller groups from across the whole Donbass front line over the past 4 months... is that number that unbelievable? Ukraine is resorting to sending local territorial defense

“victory parade”

Russia has over 5000 Ukrainian POWs and climbing and Kiev shovels people into the Donbass to try to save the situation there... is this going to be a “victory” in the same way the capitulation of Azovstal was an “evacuation?”

Steve Saleen is as much of a shyster as the Chinese are. Good Bedfellows

Not quite right. China nationalizes patents. That legitimizes IP theft.

“It’s my belief that the profits were send to the US under GM ownership, some smart accounting to not pay EU taxing.”


fair point, but nobody ever ran into a car parked on a highway shoulder because of patent misinformation. At least, I don’t think they have?

I hate saying this - but had this been an attractive white girl, this would be splashed across the national news, teams of volunteers would have been out searching this last month, and we’d have serious people, asking serous questions about what happened.

Um, the US is a third world country.

A book. The thing you are looking for is a book.

After working 8 hours a day looking at a screen and going home and looking at another screen, the only tech I want in new TV’s is something that reduces eye strain or just move away from screen displays that shine bright lights into your retinas

You gotta admit it’s better than this:

The tweet complains about quality control while sharing a picture of an issue found during... a quality control process.

Or release simultaneously, and send one into orbit and one to the earth’s core.  Two sci-fi movies in one....

So before anyone comes in here to drag the cabbies through the mud, remember this: The city severely limited the number of medallions, which drove their prices through the roof. The city also offered loans to buy those medallions, sometimes up to a million dollars. They presented a situation where you would sell your

I think I know where you can ‘procure’ a Changli for parts.

The filthy rich and their spawn are not “able to learn and be a better person.” They have been taught their entire lifetime that us poors are nothing of import. We are disposable. We are trash. They think in terms like “I can kill as many people as I like by poisoning their environment and only pay a small fine,” or,

I’ve gotten worse gifts. Just sayin’.