Amen to that. Can we also bury Sid Blumenthal in concrete. What a piece of trash.
Amen to that. Can we also bury Sid Blumenthal in concrete. What a piece of trash.
It’s about fucking time. He can take Hillary with him to the wilderness.
I leave my house like most normal people. Well, except today when I almost busted my ass because it was pure ice outside. When people yell, I do my best to keep calm and let them vent, then ask calmly if they’re done and would they like to talk about it rationally.
You’re literally the dumbest poster
Woah good one! He’s definitely going to change his opinion now that you told him how small his dick is.
Does it bother you that you’re an adult who has wasted what looks to be years of your life commenting on kinja (including trying to write your own pieces that no one cared about or saw lol) who is, at this moment hittinf refresh so you can respond to someone who you’ve decided is an idiot?
/begin rant
MuellerBueller may be a dick, but the “what if it was your sister” argument is straight up lazy dumbfuckery.
Oh I definitely dismissed it. Yout opinion means jack all. Its funny how much you care about kinja though. Commenting here is a big part of your life huh?
Dont you know? Getting a disgusting picture is an attack. Someone saying a bad word in front of you is an attack. Looking at you funny is an attack. Blinking at the wrong time...attack. Existing....attack.
I for one am outraged noone follows me to important life events and reminds me of mistakes I’ve made. The birth of my daughter would have been so much better if a reporter had been there like “HEY DONKEY REMEMBER THAT TIME YOU DROPPED OUT OF GRAD SCHOOL??”
Lol, show me where it alleges she was “attacked” ill wait.
Thats a stupid opinion. And this lawsuit was settled out of court two years ago. She was looking for a payday, she got it, end of story.
There is a huge difference between a boss and playing in a shitty punk band with someone. I would also note that he didn’t send her pictures of his dick, he sent memes with dicks in them. Again. ..pretty big difference.
What an unbelievably stupid response that doesn’t relate to anything I wrote whatsoever.
What is it about blogging that makes people use so many words to say that they don’t care (or are beginning not to care in this case) about something?
Mhmm. Cause my dick right?
I might have to turn in my Jalop Card for this, but my answer is none. No car.
Who gives a shit?
I see current generation Land Cruisers and LXs on a daily basis. So with averages of 3k and 6k units sold respectively that’s still not that many vehicles. Just seems disproportionate in my region. Though 1/10 are rocking diplomatic plates.