
Seriously, I really have to know where this comes from. This argument comes up every time a story notes that men are judged/ridiculed for their physical characteristics too, when someone inevitably points to TV or movies as proof that this is not so.

Well, I think I speak for everyone when I say that it’s fine if women want to focus on this aspect of La’el Collins’ life. I GET THAT. AND I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH THAT. But at the end of the day, I’m a football fan, and we want to see great players be great and that’s what I’m concerned with.

I am struggling to see how/where he created drama. You might be projecting, because I think he handled being yanked around pretty well. Your behavior was very hot and cold, and when I put myself in his shoes it doesn’t feel good. It sucks to be a rebound to someone who’s using you to work out their own personal shit

I didn’t expect him to be THRILLED but his reaction was way over the top, right?!

If you look at the speed graph it shows the P1 is consistently faster, but Probst brakes sooner into every corner in the P1, which tells me the 918 is faster because it can handle turns better with AWD and AWS. Or he feels that much less confident in pushing the P1 to its limits because it is batshit insane.

The author of the Vice article just seems very immature: Numerous relationship partners did not meet your requirements, but you continued the relationship every time? She has vowed to never give another person oral forever. Forever is a long time, girl.

Well, it's just that this is a review of a current product offering that has zero to do with your products and literally every human being has had an issue with some tech product in their lives from every brand on earth. If we allow the comment section on Gizmodo to be a situation where they post a company's new

I am saddened by this development. If you cannot trust anonymous drug dealers and criminals in this world, who can you trust? Such is the troubling aspect of the march of technology.

Not sure...

I, too, have played too many seasons for tom thibodeau.

While I respect your stance and appreciate the fact that your needs and wants do not have to necessarily correlate with mine, can't you really use another device to do the DNLA thing? Sure, having just one device connected to the TV is more convenient than having two, but well, there are a million devices that do

Get a streaming device if you care about it that much. I'm not trying to be a jerk, I just don't understand why, if this is the big feature that you are hanging your satisfaction hat on, you wouldn't just go out and sort the issue for yourself instead of waiting for Sooony to get around to it?

It also can't make pancakes. I'm out.

I want you all to look at this engine:

What you just said is technically "actually" racist. Your lumping in whites

Sweet! I have a "Faster Pussycat" t-shirt that I believe is helping to improve civil rights across the globe.

Is the hot one still in jail??