
maybe we could just stop hacking off baby dick tips to begin with.

Funny how the team that blocked marussia from running their last year car is running last year's car themselves

It's in the title, Super Mario World.

I suspect you don't know anyone with a new Land Cruiser.

Oh so it's fine for Helena Bonham Carter to get naked with a fish, but not for this guy to bone a dolphin? I see how it is!

Oh, yes, absolutely. Exactly like it. People think that it was fiction, it was actually a documentary.

Sadly, this one isn't really in use anymore, but holy crap, how awesome is a banked test track on the top of your factory!

All Day I Dream About Salvation

When Lilo photoshops her photos, Jez makes fun of her. When Beyonce does it, she either had nothing to do with it, or she is a victim to the pressures on women to be perfect, or there's no certainty the obvious photoshop is really a photoshop.

iphone users AMIRITE!!!!???

Wow, New England, even all of the goddamn oceans are against you.

Serious question: If the league allows players with (e.g.) ADHD to get exemptions to use drugs like Adderall that might otherwise be banned, why can't they have a process for allowing people like Lynch - who, if the armchair shrinks are right, may have a diagnosable social-anxiety-type disorder - to have an exemption

The happiest team about all of this nonsense? The Colts. No one's talking about how badly they shit the bed Sunday night, or how timidly and poorly Pagano coached them.