
$kay, you are the best Jalop ever!

Congratulations, Misters Ash78, duurtlang, Auto Guy and MPOW3R, on COTD! I have for each of you an IDK (I Don't Know) car which this lovely lady will bring to you after she hoses it down.

You've clearly never read internet comments surrounding the GM bailout.

Congratulations, Mr. Ash78 and Mr. ncasolowork2, on COTD! I have a Nissan 350Z for you both which this lovely lady will deliver when she has finished washing it.

Sad dash is sad...

Congratulations, Mr. mr_benjamin_rolland, on COTD! I have for you a Cadillac which this lovely lady will deliver after she loosens her thingy so she can stand up straight.

Congratulations, Mr. Dukie - Jalopnik Emergency Management Asshole, on COTD today! I would like to gift you with a truck which this lovely lady will bring to you as soon as she finds her pants.

Congratulations, Misters Kate's Dirty Sister, pooter220 and jvbftw, on COTD! I have for you guys a Lexus which this lovely lady will bring to you if she has room behind the steering wheel.

Congratulatins, Mr. MonkeyPuzzle, on COTD today! I have a Porsche for you which this lovely lady will deliver to you when she finds a towel to sit on.

Congratulatins, Misters C. J. Wilson, SasquatchElvis, Clay_T, dirtyblueshirt, Pearls of Wisdom and willkinton247, on COTD! I have for you guys a Miata, of course, which this lovely lady will bring to you after she's done with her stretches.

Congratulations, Mr. Automatch Tom and Mr. My X-type is too a real Jaguar, on COTD! I have for each of you an IDK (I Don't Know) which this lovely lady will deliver as soon as she pulls her jeans up.

"Suing for damages" might simply mean that his insurance company is suing to cover his medical expenses, which seems reasonable given that he broke his wrist. This is fairly common for car accidents, regardless of Schumacher's situation. Seems like the guy actually was injured, so maybe he isn't trying to milk it.

Congratulations, Mr. disadvantage, on COTD today! My award to you is an Audi which this lovely lady will deliver to you as soon as she gets off the angry-looking Audi.

Dude, it's a Lambo.

Congratulations, Misters Jeff Chabotte, Sam D, thedevilinside, sdracer, and macanamera, user of commas, on COTD! I would like to gift each of you with a Miata which this lovely lady will bring to you when rear end is fixed.


Congratulations, Mr. ThrillerWA09 and Mr. In a Mini; let them mock me, etc, on COTD today! I would like for you each to have this IDK (I Don't Know) which this lovely lady will deliver after she paints it yellow.

Get. Over. It. Wearing clothing and accessories inspired by a culture does not automatically debase that culture. It's a fundamentally neutral act.