Obviously you’re not a golfer...
How about :
I had that same question earlier today. I read that past defeated candidates have received about a week of post-election protection before the Secret Service peaced out.
Back in the old days (late 80s, early 90s), there was a sign at TGI Fridays that said they didn’t take checks, but they would accept Lithuanians in small denominations.
The real crime here is that pile of hashtags.
“Look what you made me do.”
My uncle is a big early Texas and Civil War history buff and artifact hunter. He’s managed a few archeological digs that Phil Collins has participated in and since my uncle is also a big fan of progressive rock, they had lots to talk about.
This is a burner that I use at work. My uncle’s not terribly tall and was almost certainly not well dressed, so it must not have been him.
was the other dude 400-500 pounds? If so, that was my uncle.
5 year history. This was our 5th F1 race to host.
Here’s a guy doing good Oscar Pistorius material.
The destroyer fired three missiles in defense in total: two SM-2 missiles and one Enhanced Sea Sparrow Missile (ESSM) to destroy the incoming ordinance, along with a Nulka anti-ship missile decoy, USNI News reported:
The guy at the back (far left) looks like someone just grabbed him someplace unexpected.
Jesus. That lady’s PISSED.
Put it on The “Ocho”!
Then, go smell the floor at your local bar and that’s what the drivers smell like after sweating in the car for a couple hours and then dousing each other w/ champagne.
I don’t know that my first reaction to a fire would be to remove my fireproof gloves, but then I’m not a much of drag racing guy. Maybe that’s how it’s done in straight-line racing.