No shit. She probably doesn’t even know just how naturally beautiful she really is. She could stand up there on stage scratching on a chalkboard while rapping Trump quotes, accompanied by Polka music and I’d still buy a front row ticket.
No shit. She probably doesn’t even know just how naturally beautiful she really is. She could stand up there on stage scratching on a chalkboard while rapping Trump quotes, accompanied by Polka music and I’d still buy a front row ticket.
Most everybody in Texas knows who Ricky Williams is and what he looks like. If I were a Texan* and saw Ricky Williams walking around near my house I would invite him in, shoot the shit and maybe burn one. Therefore most people in Texas who call the cops on Ricky Williams are racist, redneck, fucking assholes and of…
Maybe April. Keep your eyes open
Problem is that they all will deny supporting Comrade Donnie after he fucks it all so bad in 4 years. They’ll be like all the Good Germans Allied troops encountered as they marched from the Rhine to outside Berlin. Turns out most were happy to be liberated from Hitler who they never really liked anyway. The Groupies…
Only idiot fans and dumber ADs, GMs, or owners pursue Gruden. ESPN/ABC pay him umpteen million a year to work 16 grueling Monday Nights a year. He nets another few million off the show where he asks college QBs if they know what the others teams defense is trying to do. “I think they’re trying to kill me coach,…
Hell no, the invisible hand of the free market will take care of the employees. They’re free to come and go and sell their labor to the highest bidder who treats them the best. The competitions green grass over there across the street assures that the benevolent CEO constantly maintains the highest standards of care…
How can a CEO be expected to know about any of the details of his business? He can’t be troubled with such trivial matters. Dude has to bust his ass about 3 hours a week for a few weeks every single year making sure the lions share of the gross income comes right square into his pocket before those incompetent,…
I miss my documentaries. I wish I could order every single real history doc dvd from the original history channel and PBS, all the serious National Geographic Explorer episodes, Connections 1,2, and 3, Wings of the Luftwaffe, etc. Every fucking one with a million dollar tab if necessary and cancel Direct Fucking TV. I…
Now you bring a gun if you want to graduate any way but posthumously.
Motherfuckers in Teabaggesse here want to remove all mention of slavery and Islam from history classes. There will be no health or sex education. Any book published after the first Bible will be banned from literature. No seatbelts on the school buses driven by pill heads and drunks. Football will be the only P.E.…
No shit. why doesn’t someone ask one of these Trumputin nominees: Are you the dumbest motherfucker on the planet? If not, prove it by pointing us to the dumbest motherfucker on the planet so that you can claim second place?
Disgust should also be directed to the fact that Amway even exists. And much scorn added because these crooks got rich pawning that useless and worthless crap on American fools. Does anyone on here today own a bottle of Amway shit or has anyone ever bought any of that shit?
One of the main reasons Trump got enough votes to cheat is because of not just the poor American primary education system, both public and private as well, but also because of the exorbitant and prohibitive cost of higher education. This has resulted in 30 year old idiots who can barely spell, cannot add or subtract,…
They are simply marketing to the typical American. One who they have correctly pegged as a fucking moron on pills and government disability checks who votes for Trump and the Groupies Of Putin because the government is out to get them. All that is on the once intelligent TV channels like A and E, History and TLC are…
It is a crying fucking shame what has happened to the History Channel. But of course it is only a reflection of it’s American viewers. Too fucking dumb to read, listen, or pay attention until the commercials come on.
No shit. if you ever find yourself in East Tennessee, you will be amazed at the overwhelming majority of government employees through Oak Ridge, TVA, and the various University of Tennessee entities who don’t even realize where their pay checks are coming from. They claim to detest big bad gubmit, especially when a…
Just barely. How bout how they had to tow the only Russian aircraft carrier through the Mediterranean to support the Russian planes in Syria?
Both sides?
Chapter One:
Surely, Tiffany wouldn’t bankrupt a casino.