I missed your joke the first time, but came back with the star once I figured it out. Monday makes me slow. Good job.
I missed your joke the first time, but came back with the star once I figured it out. Monday makes me slow. Good job.
Osweiler played in a few games and wasn’t very good in Denver last year. Cousins has for the most part played well in the last two seasons as a starter and very well in both season’s second halves when it really counts. Elway made a good decision in deciding not to pay Osweiler and letting him walk. Washington should…
Rural farming has been dead a long time now. Those who struggle on do so by selling off the land bit by bit until it’s gone or haul a few bushels of produce to the farmers market for the rich women who don’t have to work to buy so they can feel all local supportive. It’s all Midwest mega-corporate now. Check out the…
That farm will soon be called Fallow Fields Farms when only one fat lazy pilled up redneck shows up to work maybe a half day when the immigrants are all deported.
Many Grandpa’s are the problem especially here in the Appalachian south. These guys were too young for WWII, but idolized their older friends and mentors who fought. They learned from those guys what a great leader FDR was and how New Deal programs saved this country then. They were Democrats and supported Kennedy…
Well your Doctorate certainly wasn’t in Logic or Comprehension either. You made and astute Economic judgement and comment and I complimented you on that. Really. Watch me stick up for you down the line. Keep reading.
Good. Don’t ever forget that and don’t ever vote for or show a reTrumplican’t, nee Teapublican’t any respect. Silent contempt for eternity should work quite well if you ever suffer the misfortune of their company.
If the Russians promoted Donald Fredovich Trumputin to used car salesman, used car salesmen all over the nation would walk off their lots and protest in the streets. Most every profession, no matter how dishonorable, has it’s limits. Imagine the financing terms he would offer. Buy here. Pay out the ass here.
Best Dessert ever: Buy a big Hershey Bar with almonds, a large tub of Cool Whip, and a bag of mini marshmallows. Freeze the Hershey Bar rock hard in the freezer while the Cool Whip is in the Fridge, not the freezer. Smash the frozen hershey bar into little pieces and add it and some of the marshmallows to the Cool…
Dr. Paul David, Ph. D, Economics will speak again here next Tuesday. Be prepared to take notes.
And of course, wait till the only people to work the fields from Georgia through Texas are obese lazy white rednecks on pills. Cabbage is fixing to go from 39 cents a head to $39 a head. No more peaches either.
No shit. What jobs the immigrants don’t take, the robots will.
No I’m not, you are! would be an adequate reply. You wouldn’t to stop the conversation by going over their heads too early.
You might be right. The Jews have had a hell of a time over there kicking all that muslim ass in the Middle East.
You wouldn’t understand. It comes from all the European history The Donzi Scheme’s victims have learned on twitter and facebook, the places to go for news now for those with inquiring minds.
No shit. Americanski Prezident Donald Fredovich Trumputin will do a great job. He didn’t mean any of those things he said. He only had to say those things because Crooked Hillary made him. His supporters aren’t racist either as all those emails prove.
Americanski Prezident Donald Fredovich Trumputin better hire some loyal food tasters. Hitler used a dog. No human was brave enough to take the job, even at gunpoint.
he is a fucking computer virus. Like the zero day deal. good point.
They did, but The Donzi Scheme’s victims are for the most part so fucking dumb they still claim Trump U helped them out after spending $30,000 to get flipped by a house. Surely they’ll make it up by doubling down on the next house. Most Trump U victims are way too dumb to know they been had. Just like ACA insureds…