earl by god morrall

Americanski Prezident Donald Fredovich Trumputin nominates Buford T. Justice as Attorney General. Republican diversity at it’s finest.

No shit. Refusing to hold confirmation hearings was outright abdication of duties which to me is worse than dereliction of duty. Abdication is a flat out “fuck you, we’re not following the rule of law” which should have gotten each one of those assholes expelled from the Senate. Dereliction of duty is just admitting

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Joe Namath said the only word he could understand that Bear Bryant said on his official recruiting visit was stud.

She did it because she knew Americans are dumb enough to watch that moronic horseshit. Shall I offer anymore proof of American stupidity?

Do you mean that the Democrats should behave like adults and seek compromise government like our Constitution designed things to be or that Democrats should follow the lead of the GOP in the last 8 years and behave like little baby children?

Explain? We’re all Russians now. Hopefully The Donzi Scheme will be satisfied by selling us out to the Russians and not pawn us off to the next highest bidder after Putin is through with us. Think The Donzi Scheme respects the military? Think again and replay his campaign comments. What do you think he and the Trump

Leave blowing will always set me off. I grant exemptions for snow removal though because my driveway is not just a mother fucker. It fucks it’s mother up the ass, pimps her out, takes pictures and posts them on momma revenge dot com. Don’t google that up. Trust me. Shoveling my steep driveway because it is so shady a

I’d much rather see a big ass trailer in my neighbors driveway than hear a motherfucking leave blower at 10:00 am every single saturday morning like my neighbor uses to clear the few specks of dust and dirt that survived the last weeks cleansing of his little ass barely two car long and wide driveway. The fucking

No HOA. NO deed restrictions. Tough shit for the neighbors. Now if he is out there on Saturday or Sunday morning gunning the engine on his race car, then I would complain or at least find this guys weak spot and torment him with just that sort of legal activity in retort. I had a good friend who would respond to

It’ll be just like the Warren Commission and allow the truly guilty to walk away unscathed. They’ll hang the shit on Assange, make him a pariah until he ends up on the run and then dead in a third world country. We can hopefully contain and control the internal damage Trump may cause in the Good Ole U. S. of A. Let’s

It’ll be worse than jail for Assange. Both Trump and Putin are now better off without his continued muckraking. Hopefully he’ll just disappear. My main hope is that regardless of all else the Trump/Putin alliance will maintain some sort of outwardly moral world order just because it is a whole lot easier to run scams

Party before Country has always been the GOP theme. Power before Party just Trumped that however. Country is now in third place. I wonder where they claim God, family, and any sort of morality stand now?

The Russians and The Nazi’s were allies when WWII started. Hopefully The Boy from Brazil via NYC will turn on them the same way and we can ally with China or somebody to take them down. The rest of the world may turn on us first though.  JFK averted nuclear conflict, FDR managed a grand alliance. But what now since

“It’s almost as though Donald Trump is getting played in ways he can’t possibly understand, by people with much bigger goals than merely being his friend.”

The mother fuckers that destroyed my bird feeders, ripped a downspout off getting to one of the feeders, ripped up two panels in my screened in porch and scattered my trash up one side of a small mountain and down the other knock on my door when they run out of shit like that to do. They sit there and watch me eat

The news is to some, that the since Reagan and the right wing radicalization of America, mental illness treatment has been relegated to punches to the face and body, bullets, handcuffs, jail cells, and isolation cells in in our privatized prisons. Thanks Republicans. Way to work, again. Soon immigrants and global

What does he whine about? Wanting to get paid? Is he supposed to just take what ever a team will give him and not worry about it. He came back to a home that is not a popular or obviously a very enjoyable place to be and hooked the home folks up, almost twice. He and any NBA player have the right to voice his opinion

Dumb is right. Only a fool believes the illegal immigrants on welfare con. The fucking moron in the story above waxes on about self sufficiency while cashing a government check every payday of his life. East Tennessee is full of Teabagggers and Feral Trumpers who draw federal, state and local government checks and

2 years ago, LeBron made it to game 6 of the NBA finals playing one on five. Last year he won the NBA finals playing 1.75 and sometimes a whole 2 on 5. That’s pretty special and deserves special treatment. Try playing 1 on 5 against your neighbors in your driveway and see if you are special.