earl by god morrall

4 have and they will be the front runners in 2020. Jeff Flake, John Kasich, Bill Halsam and Evan McMullin. Hopefully though the little punk Teabaggers and their distillates the Trumpians will finally have formed their own third party giving the Democrats run of things every where but in the Confederacy, Oklahoma and

Intentional. Penance is aptly named because he has to go around doing penance for Trump’s bullshit statements. Like when Trump bragged about grabbing pussy, Penance had to go to all fifty states and say “Hey that is deplorable, I don’t talk like that but we have to make sure the next President stocks up the Supreme

I went to high school in Tennessee with and was friends with a guy who signed with Kentucky and led them in scoring one year. I went to Tennessee and had to listen to fucking dumbass shit that fools and idiots yelled at him during the UT-UK basketball games. Funny thing is, he could have whupped every single one of

“i think about how family members would feel discovering a picture of their grandma harassing ruby bridges, or some other child, just trying to get to school. Most likely, it would be uncomfortable”

They’re too busy still counting their lucky stars they didn’t get stabbed or beat down by a gang of Dodgers fans.

He hacked the mail room at Trump Tower (since The Donzi Scheme doesn’t use email) to get a copy of The Donzi Scheme’s concession speech one of his boy’s wrote for him. Unveiling it too early may get this guy sued. He better lawyer up like The Donzi Scheme’s groping victims.

The Penance’s dog is named Maverick. After McCain. I guess they’ll name the next one Rogue like Palin. Maybe Palin will stop by and help with the naming. She will bring her very special book she just wrote: Baby names by Sara Palin. Here’s a short excerpt from the list of names for the next time a Palin practices

What happened was Paul Ryan baked a poison cake for Trump. But he had to get Mike Penance to give it to Trump because Trump knows Ryan would like him dead. But Ryan had to make sure Penance didn’t know it was poison, because Penance does not even want to be President. This GOP inside shit is confusing as hell,

I don’t tank so people. Look at Huh. Huh birth certificate is phony people. Believe me people I know phony birth certificates. This is just more of Obamas terrible Presidency. Crooked Hillary is only 35. Worrying about where huh husband is every night makes huh look 69, people. 69, people. The media tanks that bothers

I saw her interview yesterday. She has a great point about GOP men not standing up for her and other women. I know this is sexist. But Damn, she is fine.

Did they wait until the overtime got capped to tell them about the bullets, or was that part of the job description and training?

Malaria looks good there. Watch the nipples grow as The Donzi Scheme cuts loose. She’s into it. Wonder what he sings to her when she lets him fuck her?

It’s been going for a while now. When I was in 7th grade in 1974, my Jr high team only lost one game 6-0. The other team had a dude drive up in a gold firebird like Rockford drove. He got out in uniform,  put his helmet on and ran onto the field. We had a guy who went on to play at UT as a back up QB and DB who could

How fucked up is Bobby Bow Down? First, he said he has lived 68 years and then says he was born in 1929 and raised in the 1930's. Fucker is missing 19 years. Did the NCAA void 19 years of his life for cheating?

Looked good doing it. That’s important

You might lose your bet that Joe Namath feels like an ass today. Hedge that with a bet that Joe Namath feels ass today and you will break even.

He’s just looking to build the resume for a job on False Noise or Trump.net as a political pundit. No one with a camera will put him on any sort of sports broadcast. So he is trying to prove that he belongs on air at False or Trump by of course doing what they do there. Lie. Not just lie, but tell enough and blatant

yes. somebody there has got be going independent. if so, why? make that point.

How do you get a website, publication, or other media outlet to consider your work? You may not believe this, but I have thought up jokes about politics and shit that have been on Bill Maher before he used them on his Friday night show. Twice. I’m not lying.