earl by god morrall

buy as much used furniture and shit as possible. do not ever do a cash out refinance. ever.

How much would you pay for the Bills #32 with Simpson written across the back?

makes it like the real deal. you can slip assiata in to vulture up a 6 pt TD when rudolph goes out at the 1 and only burn about 1 player minute and then slip mccoy or elliot back in for the other 59 minutes. it all comes down to the 60 Player Minutes Remaining (PMR) that you see on cbs sports et al sites that tick

I understand, unfortunately. I hope there is not a next time, but if there is, I hope the next Sikh mistaken for an ISIS member and assaulted by an obvious Deplorable ends in the Deplorable visiting the hospital with severe Kirpan wounds

Why would Sikhs suffer more than anyone else under The Donzi Scheme? seriously.

I’ve often though that there needs to be a feature* to somehow play defense against your fantasy opponent because there is no way right now to offset the unlucky fact that the teams with the most points scored against them are flat out fucked, there is no getting around that. the most points against guy never wins any

The cash should go into the league pool to be distributed by whatever the rules are for payouts. My $ league would never agree to that. At one time there was a league on line where you could substitute players in roster spots as the games were being played in real time, but each player minutes could not exceed the 60

Way before. early 2000's. I wouldn’t stand there drunk hollering at James Franklin’s players.

Domestic terrorists are a much bigger threat here in the great 48 than the ISIS facebook posters for sure, but I’ll bet as time passes we will come to find that the FBI located some trailer trash in Kansas with barely enough firepower to keep to the squirrels off the bird feeders and the raccoons off the cornstalks

The by then rehabbed but still sex offender registrants on probation, the Grabbers Of Pussy should run Bill Haslam and/or Nikki Haley, governors of Tennessee and South Carolina against a stronger Hillary. But of course the unreformed and unrepentant teabagging reTrumplican’ts will probably run some body even more

Actually Hinckley was successful. Reagan never fully recovered. That’s why HW and the boys ran wild in Iran, Lebanon, Nicaragua, and the streets of L.A.

The fuckups that want to shoot her are just like the Bundys and the Oregon Occupiers. They’re are so fucked up Barney Fife could take them all down by himself and only lose one foot. Now, of course the erstwhile assassins would suffer more casualties from friendly fire than Barney could inflict, but it would sure be

Look, it’s Bitch BiConnell at it again.

Looks like somebody already photoshopped Trumps face in place of Richly Ingocnizant’s in the photo. Really. Look at it.

You know Richly Incognizant is a Trump voter. No doubt. Probably bought up all the Hillary for Prison signs in Buffalo.

I walk quite a bit for exercise. I live in Knox County Tennessee with a bunch of teabagging reTrumplican’ts. Along with not believing in global warming, evolution, and sanity, they also don’t believe in shoulders on roads. Here a road shoulder barley extends past the white line paint. Really. So when walking, I get

what are you, the food ref? bake your crust a little first if you like it crispy. if you like it soggy, don’t. or order pappa john’s.

what are you, the food ref? bake your crust a little first if you like it crispy. if you like it soggy, don’t. or

I got all fucked up drinking a shit load of whiskey at a Vandy-UT football game at Vandy one year. My anger started pre-game when Vandy tailgaters had made tombstones for all the ex-Vols who were imprisoned at the time or had been recently released. Unfortunately there were 3 guys doing time and 4 others that just

No you don’t. you end up with a crispy crust pizza. what other foods do you have trouble cooking? let me know. i can help.

No you don’t. you end up with a crispy crust pizza. what other foods do you have trouble cooking? let me know. i can

Great recall. I now remember that. and once again Obama throws the bait out that only a fat stinking carp would bite on and makes the Teapublican’ts look like even bigger fools after they have ran with it for a while. Chess vs checkers once again.