Honey, Honey wit da shut, get dat shut awf, get it outta he-ah. Take da floppy titties and dat fat ass wit ya. People, people help me he-ah people. Getta outta he-ah wit dat shut. I’ll pay your lawyers. Trow dat fat bitch outta he-ah. Look at huh, I don’t tank so! OK, people, we-ah gonna do great things, great things…
Luckily I never had to deal with raising kids. I think I could do pretty well even raising a kid outside or at least bending these guidelines. But luckily I haven’t had to. Once you have kids, you’re living a kids life for 20 years.
Thank God I don’t have to live that way. My parents put me through that and they need much thanks for the effort, but like I tell people: I lived the child’s life once, I’m not going to do it again which is what parents have to do, especially the way you guys describe.
54 year old. 27 years in the 9-5 world and not once from sunday through thursday night have I slept for more than 2 hours at a time without waking up. Same when I was kid living with my parents. I have never been able to understand the need to get 8 hours of sleep a night or my bigger problem, how to get 8 hours of…
Italian ISIS ain’t nuttin’ to me. My mudder can knock down two or tree Italian ISIS every night. Now if dem Se-yan ISIS wanna tawk some shit, bring it. I got sump’m f’dem right he-ah.
That’s right, so to answer the article title question: No it was not a balk because the umpires did not call it a balk.
(Let me enter old-person mode for a second here. Baseball wants to know why its ratings aren’t what they used to be, and why it’s having trouble attracting kids? A playoff double-elimination game, played on the East Coast on a school night, ended at precisely 12:42 a.m. That’s an official game time of 4:32, the…
ISIS is taking over too if Hilla We wins, so watch out.
willin to bet they’ve listened to some Emmy Lou at some time or another. I typed that before the chorus. Really. That’s awesome. Here’s Emmy Lou, Dolly, and George on a rare recording. Listen to that whole album. You cant turn it off at home when drinking
lived in alexandria and worked in falls church for first va bank in 91 and 92. pay was low and rent was high so i never got out. i regret that. i have discovered a DC group called Thievery Corporation who are fantastic. have you seen them?
is your fest just for friends and family or do you have a website? I’m from Bristol Tn where they put on Rhythm and Roots:
Thank You. You should go ahead on and do something to get on The Donzi Scheme’s hit list. I’d love to hear his retort to you. He’d pronounce your name Pa Snik a Dee like in:
I’m gonna get me one too. And a hat. An ugly ass red one. They’ll go great with my Don’t Blame Me I Voted for Bush bumper sticker as the years pass.
Well, Thank You very much. If the inspiration hits me again today, I’ll reply here with an encore later.
How many women you reckon took off running out the back door the day The Donzi Scheme visited the mail order bride showroom in Slovenia to pick out Malaria?
Skin. Ask The Donzi Scheme. He’s a skin guy.
Lady on the plane said The Donzi Scheme had octopus arms. Arm rest wouldn’t matter much. He’ll just slither a couple of his extra arms up through the seat cushions
Speaking of Katrina, The Donzi Scheme was right when he said he was a skin guy while criticizing some beauty pageant contestant’s skin. Katrina has the sheen doesn’t she? I’ll bet she has learned to stay at least two time zones away from The Donzi Scheme because of it too.
Yep. Nobody gets caught every time they fuck up. For each bust there are many more times you get away with it. Like in High School when I would tell my parents: Dang, you guys catch me every time I drink, on the rare occasion they caught me.