No shit
No shit
Best way to clean out a Trump Rally is to post two signs prominently at every entrance:
Come on now Burner. You can hang. Look at it this way. We only get 30 more days of The Donzi Scheme fucking up and then who knows how long we will have to wait for more. However, it is likely that the Teapublicant’s and Deplorables will find another even better replacement just like they did when Palin replaced W and…
No. But at least they will turn their ire on women this time. They’ll say so much vile, nasty, disgusting shit about women and vaginas in the next four years that they will finally after all this time alienate every woman in the country except Michelle Duggar. She’ll be the only woman left who will put out for and…
Did anybody see the moron at the obviously abused Women for Trump rally yesterday on Rachel Maddow? Dude showed up with a sign that said “Better to grab a Pussy than to be one”. No one whupped his ass or ran him off. These chicks are into it. They’re Trump groupies. The Donzie Scheme could have shown up at that rally,…
Those companies that advertise for people to gather up all their spare gold and send it off in an envelope guaranteeing the best prices in return are looking for new victims since Beck is broke. Those folks are prime victims for The Donzi Scheme. Most of them are probably Trump University graduates who thought they…
No shit. When your main campaign focus is to fire up, distill, and concentrate The Deplorables and then Glenn Beck calls you “not a moral choice”, you know you’re dealing with a bottomless barrel.
They fall off way too easy.
Or worse. The used condoms won’t be his. He’ll collect them from prostitutes like a perp on NYPD Blue once did to seed his rape victims with the wrong DNA. He’ll sprinkle them with anthrax and blame ISIS. He’ll get his custom condom maker to engrave them with WJC instead of DJT and blame Bill Clinton. He’ll lick the…
sorry, the picture wouldn’t post or print or whatever. liberal media
Speaking of kissing. somebody better this kid to the health clinic. his poor little immune system is in for some trouble.
encore then: Bounty Hunter and Gator Country
I am ashamed that I had to look that up. I am aware of the Brothers Johnson. A friend of mine had a couple of their albums he stole from his brother. We would listen to them in the early 80's and got into Jeff Lorber through them.
Theme song: The Creeper, Molly Hatchet. It’s gonna be a cold dark night when the Creeper come along.
Rutgers doesn’t suck at basketball. Ask Don Imus. They’ll kick your ass. Ask him. He’ll tell you.
Every Power Conference needs a Rutgers, Vanderbilt, Kentucky, Wake Forest, Kansas, and Washington State. Just like bar trivia nights need Trump supporters:
Round here they made home made Palin stickers after the 2008 election cause you know how McCain fucked it all up for Palin. I’m serious, they scratched McCain off and left the Palin part showing. Really, I know no one will believe me. These fucks will never blame Trump for anything. All those women are God forsaken…
Some are proud of that handle. One such Donzi Scheme victim here in East Tennessee has a sign in his front yard saying so. Another has a Hillary for Prison sign. Soon they’ll be just as infamous as Don’t Blame Me I Voted for Bush bumper stickers.
And Gloria Allred is out there right now on every corner rounding up The Donzi Scheme’s victims. She only has to find one, just one good one. Maybe this is the first step in The Donzi Scheme’s humbling. Hhhhm? Wonder if Presidentress Clinton will pardon Federal Inmate #4201889 Donld J. Trump after he pleads guilty to…
The commute must be a motherfucker for Kansas strippers. They all work in Vegas, L.A., and Atlanta.