Chad Snowe-Flaque

Cannot wait to thank Obama for Trump’s removal from office. May send him a gift basket.

Somebody stole his magnet.

Hell, if he keeps doing it like this, I’d buy a collection of the scribbles he writes on dinner napkins!

Hispanics really don’t like Americans at all.

If white people in general would mind their own damn business the state of the world would improve markedly.


that poem is brilliant, someone get u a Pulitzer

“Once upon a time, there was a slave. Or maybe there were 10,000 slaves. Or maybe there was 1.3 million slaves...”

I’ve been white my whole damn life and the raisin obsession thing is completely unknown to me.

re: “Once upon a time, there was a boy named Michael. And Michael knew Keisha. And Michael knew Jerome. And Michael knew Toby. But Keisha’s, Jerome’s and Toby’s story didn’t make Michael laugh. Their stories made Michael aware.

Unless you bake a casserole and put your welcome apron on for every new neighbor, Lobby Larry, why the actual FUCK do you think you should know all your neighbors?

I second that emotion...

Y’all, keep in mind that the check was $1,000 for THREE WEEKS of pay. A nigga can’t even make over $300 a week without raising suspicion. 

Anyone who watches that video and decides to INVESTIGATE if what happened (again, CAUGHT ON VIDEO) actually happened shouldn’t be in charge of detectives who INVESTIGATE. Just saying.

I’m all for edgy art, provocative stuff that makes us uncomfortable with the status quo, etc. It’s my contrarian bag. But it bothers me that the artists and authorizers for the art are always 1) ok to do the shit to & about Blacks 2) with the stated audience being whites. They are always oblivious in calculating Uninte

You got off easy. I was nearly kicked out of high school after I called out the principal on some of his BS. He threatened to make an example out of me. I responded by bringing my boombox to school the next day, clearly against school policy, and walked the hallway before class blasting Pink Floyd’s “Another Brick In

(the in-school suspension was directly behind the lunchroom’s salad bar).

We sure he didn’t mean to say his supporters were revolting? ;)

Welp, I guess I’m crossing Canada off my bugout list.

Remember when Our President was smarter than most of us? And could read? And write? Remember what it was like to have an intelligent President?