C smooth

also cod has such a priority on work by yourself and get your k/d up! Camp repeat

if I could I would like this 10000 times. U are so right

it feels like We are at the point where if you do play the single player campaign Rather den tackle multiplayer you are viewed as a weak player or " must not be good enuff" I play both but by far this years campaign made me a fan of cod for first time since original modern warfare. That multiplayer only brought

it barely has content to begin wit . Entire games is a 20 hr plus intro . Fuck da story da isn't a story . All these star voice actor signed for wha . Is this like marvel universe where they signed on for multiple sequels

count urself lucky my stupid ass purchased the dlc right after I beat da game in hope of more anyrhing!!! Something other den da same 4 maps . Fck U destiny I enjoyed U . Ur done gamespot here u come

That made my day

Boo this man . We all payin for xbox live or playststion also

additional story mission ,? So what your saying is ..... I got dinklebot say 3 lines of bland text before and after mission .

seriously superman last I smell hate

it's funny barca fans used to say they hate real Cuz they buy all the players in da world and are the team of da Corporatation of da "man" now barca da world corp power wit Qatar across da chest and luis suarez neymar ratikic and etc

I enjoyed the "oh sh^t" (idk if ican curse here) moment running in da woods and a guy wit a axe manifesting out of thin air taking a swing at me . Oh !!!! Trigger button for dodge, let's go!!!

demo!!! Whaaaa I wish I saw da before I made my purchase . Hope this is good

Reads review , smiles remember old harmonik games , download game , calls girlfriend tells her buy wine we playin a new game today wear comfy cloths

Long live allen wake !!. The first game not none of the other crap they dropped. That was the last game to scare me or have me worried moving from point a to b (besides state of decay but state of decay wasn't scary jus stressful but stil)

Is it jus me but I didn't associate this wit her I jus thought it was a joke bout dumb celebs wit problems that could as easily b kardashian Britney spears when she went nuts or any other of these chicks or if u wanna stretch it more some of these guy celebs lol

Who is this guy!! This article was absolutely amazing!! As a minority who born here but grew up around a lot of people from same cultural background but they are born over der I did play this game and Understand and feel where Wei was coming from. So it does cross lines too. Also The insight to another culture excites

I don't believe they promote violence as most of rockstar games include an flawed anti-hero whose words and actions are huge contradictions , it's like a action movie at the same time Bc it's duh a video game and suppose to b fun. But beside Trevor in last gta all other characters in gta or red dead always stated a

I would actually pay for that as a dlc!! U are right we could be a taxi driver and make some cash and emt and stuff . If rockstar wants to really blow our socks off adding all you'd mentioned . But at same time it doesn't have to b wit real player deaths could b npc and I'm good too saint row did this really well .

Oh god another public advocate U thought gta was where to make a social comment about cops. Save da for battlefield hardline talks . #its a video game

So "myteam" is its 2k verision of ea ulitmate team