C smooth

I'm seriously fighting not to sell this boring game Bc I purchased dlc . I purchased dlc Bc when I finished game I wantrd more story more anything da isnt exactly same thing over and over . Kotaku next article should b how a game with no content is suppose to stay in our game library for da next "year" . As of right

I completely agree they didnt fix anything !!! Alll they did was limit purple drops!!! Oh Internet u mad U got a blue item wit a purple drop. Don't worry you will almost never get a purple now. But hey ur green is green and blue blue now !!! 👐👏👐👏💩👎

I agree my xbox one trigger is acting funky now . I saw a person on my friends list who been playing a lot I check his character and all his gear is legendary I get excited I compare hrs played he had 75!!! That is almost job like hrs he is puttin in compared to mine

this sounds all cool and stuff but all I want is independent volume control over my snapped items . Ex) I am playing destiny and want to xbox snap tv to watch football . I would like to be able to raise and lower which I choose . Cuz we all know I don't need to hear the destiny "story"

Leave Michael Vick alone . He just trying make his check. The crowd fighting harder for him to see the field then the man himself . He knows wha he doing and it ain't coming it

It officially dawned on me, today while describing the game to a friend who is early on in Venus . We got into talkin but how every strike so far is a basic quick fly by past locations U already faught but added difficulty and a " new spot wit a new tougher baddy". He stops me and says " all I hear is stick with this

U mean it has no content

it's like a free to play game . U have to really be on top of bounties and stuff jus to make any head way. I like da game all and all Accepted it for wha it is but its not halo no matter how hard they wanna trick up and no story with online play isn't create ur own story it's lazy jus a excuses by game makers to not

Yea not for nothing I heard that line all the time leading up to my "impressive" level 20 . Once your 20 and finish the story the games really opens up. No it doesn't!! It's the best exact same thing. Yes we need new planets Cuz as beautiful they all get old fast by time you clear a planet you really could care less

I know you are right. On the other post here on kotaku by Tina and crew I have heard that after 22 it kind of catches back up . But destiny is slowly becoming my most loved/hated game ever which as a life long gamer isn't a really bad thing . They got me like a gambling addict No loot no problem another roll of a dice

I purchased destiny on day one of xbox one release. While all my friends felt the buzz and loved the live action commercial after a small hands on in passing when they visit they lost the hype or desire to make the purchase . I taken on all the missions and just one of each crucible mission and each strike mission.

I'm a level 21 almost 22 on xbox one and it feels like I will never unlock this mission, forget complete it . All my friends are sports fans none purchased titanfall or destiny. Destiny has been similar to finishing a long distance marathon . A battle of pure endurance

I have a xbox one and so do two of my close friends , while a third purchases the ps4. We all purchased or received our system in the end of December. The ps4 owner experience the first problem . His console died installing nba2k14 maybe a week in. It showed a progress bar that it was downloading and never did. Call