
Kinda reminds me of a grown up version of the Gerber baby...

You should just turn on your air conditioning, Tim.

Buying Monster because you think cold brew tastes bad is the Marchman cereal list of beverage opinions.

“You can take the Rams out of Missouri, but you can’t take Missouri out of the Rams.”

I recently met a vegan Crosfitter who answered the age-old question.

When they went to that horrible redesign, I sent them an email saying I would never visit cnnsi.com again. I got a response that was basically a “yes you will.” I never did and I treat this as my own victory.

“Free all inclusive cruises to the Americas and they still complain about it to this day.” ~ Bill O’ the Clown

*cough* Thank you to Bill Simmons *cough* Thank you to Grantland *cough*

I’m guessing, if you asked, she’d run away very quickly, leaping over any obstacle in her way.

Okay now THIS is a First Amendment infringement! Crowell did a stupid dipshitty thing on social media, and is being threatened by an extension of the government as a result. THAT is what the Founding Fathers meant!

So the image of a policeman getting murdered is more upsetting than the actual deaths of black men at the hands of police? Got it.

The cops that walked off can’t even say it was because “there was anti-police rhetoric being used” (some morons still think that saying Black Lives Matter means other lives don’t). They had the Dallas PD logo on the shirt as well. They took an anti-violence stand, and those punks walked out. Fuck them then. I’m sure

I respect this take. All takes matter.

“Heaven help us if one of the conditions is to pee in a bottle.”

“Well the good news is now your mom can finally get a belt made”

So if Green gets suspended, OKC wins the series, and then Cleveland wins the finals, that would make Dahntay Jones the team MVP.

Also your username is weirdly appropriate for this topic.

This is the same as Wolfram Alpha except you can input handwritten equations.

Pfft, that’s nothing, I've stuck people with far worse.

-Ray Lewis.

The French Laundry? Kawakami got taken to the cleaners.