Captain Ron J. MacReady

Like the review says, it's an incredibly beautiful game. And it's the very first game to support HDR on the Xbox One S, which makes it even more amazing. Seriously, it must be seen to be believed. I can't fathom that this is my Xbox One and not some fancy-pants PC.

Yeah, the rap songs are censored in the full version, probably so they can retain an E for everyone rating.

The game actually has several utes and other Aussie cars.

I recently played the first Horizon game thanks to the magic of backward compatibility, and I was surprised that some of the cool things about it were abandoned for the second one, like the 1000 Club and some events being manufacturer specific. So far it sounds like 3 takes the best ideas of 1 and 2 and tosses off

Back in my alcohol-fueled '20s, there were countless times I woke up with a headache and stomachache, and stumbled into the kitchen to find I'd devoured an entire Totino's the night before.

In all three Bioshock games there have been times I died when I feel like it wasn't totally my fault. To me that's bad design.

I just finished it and I had the same reaction. They could have been ballsy and ended the game on a down note with after you bludgeon Ryan, Fontaine commands you to kill yourself, fade to black, maybe an after credits stinger to set up a sequel. Instead the game transforms from a descent into madness to a redemptive

Protip: get one with HDR. 4K is great, but I wasn't really blown away by it until I saw something in 4K with HDR. Most of the newer TVs support the HDR10 standard which PS4 Pro, Xbox One S and Ultra HD Blu-ray use. Then there's Dolby Vision, which I think is actually better, but only Netflix and Vudu support it. LG

It is always an inescapable certitude that work sucks on a Friday, but that suckage multiplies a thousandfold today knowing that my shiny new copy of Forza Horizon 3 Ultimate Edition is waiting to be picked up at Best Buy.

Already gots it, holmes.

The Meh-gnificent Seven

This film presents a quandary:

Salt 2: 'N Battery

Ha, that's pretty much a clean version with the same punchline as a dirty joke I heard back in high school about a magical dildo called the Voodoo Dick.

Yay for PS4 system software 4.00! Folders, finally! And HDR, gaming's newest revolution? Sign me up! (What's that you say? No games support it yet? D'oh!)

Jules was there. He gave me the pear.

Wow, I pretty much blazed through Forza Horizon this week. It's not nearly as expansive a game as the second installment, I thought it'd tide me over until the part 3 arrives in two weeks. Oh well. *scrounges around backlog*

What the fuck? The incredibly awesome Banana Split Blizzard is at the bottom of the list? The description sounds nothing like the little cups of heaven I get at my local Dairy Queen. Obviously, the writer's DQ is staffed by ham-fisted troglodytes.

Yes! I came here to say that the omission of Krystal from this list is criminal. Not only are their little square burgers great, their mini chili dogs, mini chicken sandwiches and above all, chili cheese fries are amazing. There being a Krystal within two blocks was a deciding factor when I bought my house.

ProTip: Peel the skin off a Popeye's chicken thigh, stuff it with red beans and rice and eat it like a taco.