Captain Ron J. MacReady

New! OreIda™ ShitDippers! Try all five flavors!

Yeah the desert map suffers from the problem most BF maps do—I spend more time trying to get to the fight than actually fighting.

Exactly. KOF's story mode was just as ridiculous as SFV's, and it shipped with the game! Not to mention 50 characters. I still haven't grinded my way toward unlocking all the extra characters in SFV, don't know if I ever will.

Judging by the latest Nintendo Direct though, it looks like Wii U to 3DS ports are the order of the day. I guess Nintendo knows where their bread is buttered.

I'm a tall guy, and have larger-than-average hands to match—add in being extremely left handed, and KI: U was impossible for me to play even though I wanted to.

Well, I just got me a fancy new 4K TV so's I can be on the cuttin' edge of gaming, and what happens?

If The Rock calls Diesel a jabroni, that's a dead giveaway that this has all been a work.

Way to go, butterfingers!

Yes, a "store" for "videos." I like it! Get R&D on the horn!

Exhibit B: the fact that Redbox is successful. People actually prefer getting off their lazy asses to be able to watch a movie on disc.

But it's IN THE CLOUD! It lasts forver and ever and ever, right?

It's because digital storefront prices are ridiculous. Ooooh, let me pay $24.99 for a digital copy of a movie I can get on blu-ray for $7.99 in a couple months in the Walmart/Best Buy dump bin that also comes with a free copy on Ultraviolet.

That joke didn't really take flight.

I haven't kept up with wrestling since Raw's late '90s heyday, but when I walked into FYE and saw that they were selling a real breakfast cereal called Booty-Os promoting some goofy day-glo tag team called The New Day, I was pleased to learn that wrestling remains just as gloriously ridiculous as ever.

I'm trying to wrap my head around the fact that the album is going to be about 80 minutes, but only 12 songs. This first song is only about 3 minutes, so the remaining 11 average about 7 minutes each? Hmmm.

I started out No Man's Sky scouring every planet I landed on. Now, if I land on a planet with limited resources, hostile sentinels or harsh weather, within minutes I'm blasting off saying—to quote Val Kilmer at the end of Red Planet—"Fuck this planet!"

*Elvis giggles, continues gardening at Graceland*

Who is the jabroni in this equation? Scott Eastwood?

Username/comment synergy +1

Prepare ship for Ludacris speed!