Captain Ron J. MacReady

I saw the movie as a kid and didn't really understand a lick of it, but still loved it because it was a visually impressive sci-fi epic and that's all it took to make my jaw drop when I was 10.

After Cloud Atlas I would've said the Wachowskis, but then Jupiter Ascending happened.

Hmm, needs work. Typed in "dude with a chainsaw for a hand" and Evil Dead / AoD doesn't even come up.

OK, wow, so is there not a max level? Presumably you could max out all perks/stats if you played enough?

Still plugging away at Fallout 4. I'm starting to wonder if I f'd up a bit by sinking most of my points into attributes instead of perks. I've maxed out intelligence and endurance, and am pretty high on strength and agility. I'm at level 28. Are there any specific perks recommended for the endgame? I'm about to enter

Wait, Cait? *googles*

Yes, but if you have your own office, 9 times out of 10 its an underling, whose job it is to put up with your shit, literally as well as metaphorically

This article makes a good point.

Dude, Where's My Idol?

Large Marge left many a pair of shit-stained underoos in her wake

Can you pay by dick pic? Edit: I should read the comments before making the easy jokes. *sigh*

I used to work for a newspaper in Mississippi and interviewed Soulja Boy by phone when he was blowing up, I think it was in 2007. He was probably the most uninteresting interview I ever did, in close competition to the guy from 3 Doors Down. It was like he was painfully shy or something.

*ignores Vaas' advice and plays the rest of the Far Cry series*

It was a good but not great movie. It got a lot of flack for shoehorning in a completely fictitious frame story featuring Melville interviewing Thomas Nickerson, but that didn't bother me.

I just watched In the Heart of the Sea last night and enjoyed it. It's inspired me to go back and re-read Moby Dick. I absolutely hated it when I read it in high school, and I actively avoided it during my time as an English major, but I think maybe now that I'm older and if not wiser but more patient, I might finally

I think I'm at a good save point where I'll be able to go back and see every ending without having to start new characters. I was curious so I peeked at a guide. Glad I did or I'd be kicking myself if I was past the point of no return.

Yeah, I think I'm leaning toward the Brotherhood of Steel for my first go-round. Paladin Danse is such a lovable stick-up-his-ass goober.

So far my "don't buy games on release date" plan for 2016 is working. I'm finding all the various tidbits about The Division's launch problems kind of hilarious instead of annoying, which I would if I were actually playing it.

I think I shat my underoos.

There was a 2010 reboot for PS3 and Xbox360 (which had the original and its two Genesis sequels as unlockable bonuses), that was in many ways even more insane than the TG-16 classic (and in many ways, the gameplay was just a clunky).