Captain Ron J. MacReady

The Dude and his rug!

They have a burrito that is, in fact, 7 layers.

Whatever it was, I'm sure an ungodly amount of Budweiser was somehow involved.

What are the guys in Cobra Verde up to these days?

Another stupid thing Taco Bell does: repeats the same word in Spanish and English.

*programs replicator to make some fava beans and a nice chianti*

I know that mine at least tastes better.

You gotta love how Taco Bell can infinitely mash together their same 10 ingredients in new combinations to make "new" menu items like this one. And how they just mash together words to name said items.

It's as if Twitter users are all atwitter over these changes.

I played the first two levels via EA Access… this is a extremely gorgeous game, on par with thatgamecompany's work. The gameplay was solid if unremarkable, and reminded me a lot the underrated Max: The Curse of Brotherhood or Limbo minus the violence.

Thinking about this makes me realize that there are in fact SEVEN Coen brothers movies (including Caesar) that I haven't seen. I need to rectify that.


Every time I think of furries I can't help but think of that scene in the Shining with the guy in a bear suit giving the guy in a tux a beej. Perhaps why furries skeeve me out.

No guitars were harmed in the making of this motion picture.

Cool, I didn't realize they added it to the vault! Will have to download it. Strange though that they added it before Rory McIlroy PGA Tour, it came out in July while Madden came out in August.

I'm cautiously optimistic that Far Cry Primal is going to be a blast too, but I'm still having trouble wrapping my head around a FC game without shooty-shooty-'splode-'splode.

"Flailing in combat" I think is kind of what Naughty Dog intended, they tried to approximate what real gunplay/melee combat by an average Joe-l would be like, i.e., inaccurate and messy.

There's been several updates to ESO since launch, I booted it back up last week after being away for a while and I had to reassign all my character's skill points (not sure why). Then I kept getting my ass handed to me by the boss of the quest I was on, so I turned it off. I wonder if they adjusted difficulty to

I think GHLive is great too, I just wish GHTV had a better awesome to suck ratio. There is some truly awful crap (I guess I'm too old to "get" screamo/Hot Topic metal). In music games sometimes playing music you don't particularly like can still be fun, but some of this is so bad it's just boring.

That's the only reason I hang around this godforsaken banana stand! It's one of the few gaming-related sites not blocked at work.