Captain Ron J. MacReady

Well, I lean more toward the metal / hard rock spectrum, and I do keep up with new music of the genre. There's still great new music coming from that genre as well as the garage/punk scene, which I do still keep up with, just not as much as I used to.

Well, there were a few bands in the game I'd never listened to but kinda liked, but none whose albums I was running out to buy.

Raise your hand if you were a Peter Cetera fan thanks to '80s movie soundtracks before you even knew what Chicago was. I'm not ashamed to admit that the Karate Kid Part II soundtrack was the first tape I bought with my own money.

As an "old," I don't keep up with new music. In fact, playing a lot of Guitar Hero Live recently was my only exposure to a lot of the new music out there.

I'm still blowing shit to smithereens in Just Cause 3, which is still a lot fun but is starting to get a little repetitive.

I've got a PC that I thought was pretty decent that we got for $400 on Black Friday two years ago. My wife wanted to play the Sims 4 and we found out it won't run it. For $400 you can't run the fucking Sims? Rad.

It sounds right up my alley too, and I'd buy it if I didn't already have 1,000,000,000,000,000,000 "right up my alley" games in my backlog already.

Yay, now where's my Jessica Jones figure (and Funko Pop)?

Obviously you've never "done the matador."

Obviously they overlooked Metal Gear. I believe i'm more familiar with Snake's ass than my own.

According to IMDB, "His father started to call him Scooter from when Scoot was two years old because he used to 'scoot around' on his 'butt'."

Univision acquires hammers a stake in through Onion, Inc.

Slick Willie strikes again!

I want to say "look how far we've come" when a rap group that used to scare the shit out of squares is met with thunderous applause on a morning talk show, but I'm not exactly sure that's progress.

They should've set the sciencein' montage to Smash Mouth's "All Star" to truly make it seem like a crappy post-2000 studio comedy.

Yep, it's mentioned as being on one of the crew's laptops, just a fun reference for nerds.

Well, I stepped away from MGSV for the moment, and decided to start Just Cause 3. After 60 hours of MGSV's meticulous mayhem, JC3's do-what-you-like destruction is just the change of pace I needed. I think between it and Mad Max, Avalanche is my new favorite developer. I can't wait to see what they'll do next, and


Dollar General on a Monday Afternoon

My takeaway from this is AV Club writers get up at 11 a.m., tops.