Captain Ron J. MacReady

These cheesedicks would take at least 20 parsecs to do the Kessel run. Pfffft.

Those who didn't get it didn't really pay attention to songs like "Raw Deal," "Grinder," "Eat Me Alive" etc.

I find it hilarious that a lot of my friends who have kids, and who, invariably, think that they're hip, have tried to foist the cool music of our youth onto their children. Most of the kids have been like yeah, whatever, Dinosaur Jr. is OK I guess, but Taylor Swift rocks!

I have no kids, but I have played several hours of Guitar Hero Live recently, and I can affirm that what the kids are listening to this day is all kinds of namby-pamby suckage.

I was 16 then, so I can almost guarantee I ding a ding danged my dang a long ling long that day. Possibly several times.

I was a dog-eared copy of The Satanic Verses away from being framed for something, maybe.

Jesus built my hotrod and all I got was this lousy t-shirt

Even worse, my family was Mormon. I was a one-two punch of things that scared and confused Baptists.

Yep, that's what I said to the FBI guys about him in so many words. Dude had never even drank a beer or smoked a J far as I knew. Being a junior at a liberal arts college at the time, I was knee-deep in both those pursuits. So needless to say the FBI visit harshed my mellow.

Funny story—one day in 1998 I was visited by two guys in suits at my college dorm. Turns out they were from the FBI, and were there to ask me questions about one of my best friends since we were 10, whom I had lost touch with after high school.

I went to public school in a majority Baptist Mississippi suburb in the late '80s-early '90s. I loved metal, fantasy novels and played Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer… obviously I was a Satanist!

I still have the Marvel Comic adaptation, which I got when I was 10. Fuck, I'm old. *weeps*

I had some guys fix some of my duct work last week, they were just a hot bath, some dental work and alcohol detox away from superstardom! Well, maybe not the alcohol detox.


I liked the rumor of Taron Egerton, wonder why he got cut—too British, too short, too old, maybe?

Could they get Joseph Kosinski since Tron 3 is a no go? He has the Disney connection, and I really liked Oblivion. At least get him to do one of the Star Wars stand alones.

It's a PSN "community," a feature they added with update 3.00. I think you can find it via PSN by searching for Gameological, otherwise give me your PSN ID and I can send an invite.

Do they treat it like it's some big "holy shit" reveal? Because it seems fairly obvious.

SPOILERS, I guess even though I don't know for sure…

The news of a Deadwood movie has made me realize that anything is possible with determination, and has renewed my resolve!