Captain Ron J. MacReady

Snazzlenuts, you could try finding some players through the Gameological PSN group. I created it so we could coordinate raids, but it looks like most of the group (myself included ) have moved on to other games. I'll try to remember to send you an invite when I get home from work.

I think I've hit a wall with MGSV. I'm up to mission 24 and tedium is setting in. I'm kind of ready to get to the end and move on to something else. Do things pick up steam in the last few missions? I'm debating stepping away for now and picking it back up later, but I know that oftentimes when I do that I never

I bought Rock Band 4 and luckily all of my gear works fine, but I'm on PS4. I don't think the wired instruments are supported for either console.

Probably because it only featured about 10 songs that played over the game's interminable load times, several songs from MLB 14: The Show are burned into my brain, particularly Jake Bugg's "Slumville Sunrise" and Black Joe Lewis' "The Hipster."

Um, this is available on DVD but I don't think it's ever been released on blu-ray?

*whinnies with laughter*

But looks like they did it in chronological order, so part 2 is June-Dec.?

Two things I'm looking forward to not on the list:

You could say that Tolkien himself was working in the confines of one of literature's oldest genres, but laid the framework for an entirely new one with his creativity. At its core, LotR is basically the Arthurian quest motif.

Going back to your idea that a lot of fantasy is basically a riff on Tolkien, true, but I don't think it's for a lack of imagination or necessarily a bad thing. You can be imaginative within the confines of a specific genre. Or that it's a bad thing that what is more accurately termed "high fantasy" is what most

I think it also goes back to setting. If Star Wars featured say, Earth instead of Alderaan, and was purported to take place in the future, how is it different from Star Trek? All the aliens, and even the Force, could be explained as things science has yet to discover. It's Clarke's third law: "Any sufficiently

So, tough question then: is Star Trek sci-fi or fantasy?

I guess my point is, like your quote implies, that "magic and dragons" are what people immediately associate with fantasy. Is it because Tolkien had such a massive influence, or is it because those elements are what make the genre work, well-trodden as they may be?

Some draw the line as fantasy having supernatural or magical elements, while sci-fi is usually grounded in some sort of reality, or at least scientific plausibility.

Johnny Thunders and the Heartbreakers — L.A.M.F.

Where's the line though where fantasy becomes so fantastical that it bleeds over into sci-fi? Those Tolkien-esque trappings of kings, swords and sorcery against a vaguely medieval setting are what define fantasy.

The closest 70mm showing to me was a three-hour drive, so no dice for me there. Will the regular version still be in 2.76:1 aspect ratio, or reformatted for standard screens?

I wish some of the game was a bit more streamlined. I'd say 10 of my 60 hours have been spent running or riding D-Horse to objective markers and/or riding in the damn helicopter. I know the helicopter is a clever way to mask load times, but still…

I only recently started too, and now I'm about 60 hours deep and only up to mission 23. Holy Christ on a rubber crutch it's a great game but I didn't know I'd be undertaking a second career.

I got the wife Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival and she got me Yoshi's Wooly World (with the amiibo!) for Christmas so I've been drowning in cute over here.