Captain Ron J. MacReady

If there is any good that will come of this at all, it would be if they finally give us a decent goddamn remaster of Appetite to commemorate its 30th-ish anniversary.

So, if:

Lemmy, the Rasputin of Rock.

I think the most value I've gotten from PS+ has actually been for my Vita. I've been a PS+ subscriber since the beginning. I have over 100 Vita games, and I think at least 70 of them were free on PS+.

There is some crossover functionality with Happy Home Designer. If you scan Amiibo cards that you saved your home designs to, those characters (up to 8, I think) will move into your board game town and their houses will reflect your designs. But again, it's optional fluff, not necessary for playing the core game.

$200? Everything needed to play the core board game is included with the $60 game. The Amiibo cards are only used for the minigames, so it's totally up to you whether you buy more cards or not. I'm not sure if you need extra Amiibo to have more than two players though.

Part of the game take place in an ocean bed that was dried up by the nukes. So presumably that's a sub that was sunk in WWII.

The two protagonist thing stuck out to me as underused as well. Either they had intended to have co-op but ditched it after Unity bombed, or they added in Evie as an afterthought to deflect the female character criticism leveled at them.

Proud Vita player here!

So, being the kids-in-adult-bodies that my wife and I are, we let each other open an early Christmas gift every year. My wife chose Animal Crossing: Amiibo Festival, which I had been iffy on buying for her because of the bad reviews, even though she adores AC.

Yes it's tougher than you think. Even a spirited Al Pacino "Hoo-ah!" barely makes a dent in the sucker.

I liked Bloodborne because it reminded me that difficulty can be fun. I had gotten into always choosing the easiest difficulty available, because I wanted to beat games as quickly as I could to move onto the next one, so I could "experience" more games.

I guess my problem with MGSV is that I'm trying to stealth every mission. From what I understand there a few that are actually much easier (and you can still earn an S rank) if you go in guns blazin'.

Smelling like ass is also acceptable. Dude-bros either smell like Axe, ass, or Axe covering up the smell of ass.

The campaign is completely bananas, in the best possible way. Much more interesting than the bro-downs that Ghosts or the Modern Warfare games were.

I'm playing Metal Gear Solid V and, great googly moogly, it's a huge game. I've put in over 30 hours and I'm only up to mission 19. I guess now that I have a pretty solid mother base I should ditch the side ops and focus on the main missions.

I was quite impressed by the soundtrack to Until Dawn. It does a good job of mirroring the wintry, hellish atmosphere of the game, particularly the main theme, "The Shadow of the Mountain."

I think I saw a 2 Black Dudes / 2 Broke Girls crossover.

He's pulling a Fogle, hiding in plain sight

Though Spectre as a whole was lackluster, the train fight was one of the best action scenes of the year.