Captain Ron J. MacReady

I wonder if the filmmaker who is searching for it actually found it once, but the mysterious driver said, with a wave of his hand, "This is not the Celica you are looking for…"

Make this some Forza 6 DLC please!

Yeah, I liked it and probably would have gotten into it more if I wasn't lone wolfin' it. the Battlefield games really come alive with a squad of friends.

I was thinking about jumping back into Dying Light. Then I heard about the DLC coming in April that coincides with a free update that enhances the graphics, and I decided to wait. If they can fix the framerate issues and graphical glitches (at least on Xbox) it'll go from fun but flawed to fantastic.

When you're talking about BF: Hardline, do you mean the campaign or MP? I thought the campaign was a lot of fun, though with the arrest mechanic a lot of the time it was like a first-person stealth game rather than an FPS. As for the MP, I played it a few times and it was fun but it didn't really knock the proverbial

So I finished the batshit crazy campaign of Black Ops III, and I was left with many questions. There is a pretty interesting Reddit discussion of what it all means, and a lot of it I didn't pick up on while playing. I applaud Treyarch for swinging for the sci-fi mind fuckery fences with it, though I don't think it was

If you're ready to tackle a time-consuming open world, I had a blast with GTAV, Far Cry 4, AC: Syndicate and I'm currently enjoying the dauntingly massive MGSV. Of them all, I'd say GTAV is the "must play," I played the hell out of it on PS3 and I have the PS4 redux waiting in my own backlog.

I agree. To unwind after work, I usually play a few races of either P-Cars or Forza 6, and all the b.s. of the work day just seems to fade away.

I would have preferred a gritty reboot of Ray Stevens' Guitarzan.

you are correct, sir.

I was ready to cut the cord because I thought I could live without ESPN, then damned if my alma mater didn't decide to suddenly kick ass at football and make me keep ESPN and SEC Network to catch all the games.

The cancel-bluff strategy has always worked for me with DirecTV, but I haven't tried it since the unholy abomination known as AT&T bought them out.

Hell, you could have come up with 17 of these from Nic Cage movies alone!

Yeah, I was going to post something similar, but then saw you had it covered. Willis' wig is bad on purpose, to reflect the artificiality of the surrogates.

Don't think High on Fire's excellence is to be blamed—metal is usually criminally ignored by these kinds of lists, unless of course it's a list by a metal-centric site or the band in question is Deafheaven.

I'm the same, other than Sleater-Kinney, who I listened to some when I used to be cool, and Wilco, who I never really liked, there's not much here beyond vague name recognition. But I'd wager that if I cue up these other albums on Spotify none of them would really grab me.

There's some of the good ol' Arkham action in there, but more than half of AK is Batmobile: The Game.

I was totally all "maybe next year when the prices go down," then Best Buy had to go and have a 49" LG 4K for $500. Our entertainment center in the living room can only hold up to a 50" so it was a perfect fit.

Well I heard all kinds of bellyaching about Mad Max's performance on consoles, and I didn't see anything worse than a few frame stutters here and there in all my 40 hours with it on PS4, and it's one of my faves of the year.