Captain Ron J. MacReady

IGN gave the PC version an 8 but the console versions a 5.9 because of performance issues. Regardless of one's personal opinion of IGN, that's troubling.

Yeah, the TV itself upconverts everything to 4K, and has a rock-solid, judder-free 24p mode for blu-rays. I picked Evil Dead II because I've seen it soooo many times I would be able to notice any improvement in the picture. It still looks like the movie I know and love—the grit, grime and film grain is still there—but

I'll see what I can edit about it when I get home today. I think with the communities you have to designate it as being for a specific game, which we can keep as Destiny, but I think I can change the name of the group.

Since I created the group and I've kinda stepped away from Destiny for the time being (too… many… games… *dies*)…

This promises to be a good millennium.

I was pleasantly surprised by King's Quest so far, and may go for the whole season pass (curse you PS+! That was your nefarious plan all along!)

On the flip side of the coin, I laughed when I saw the icon for the lowest difficulty in Wolfenstein: The New Order—your character with a baby bonnet on sucking on a pacifier. They wanted you to feel bad for choosing it, obviously.

When I originally played TLOU of PS3 it took me an inordinate amount of time to finish it. After about a two hour session I'd be reaching for some funny cat videos or some shit on Youtube to cleanse the palate. That game is just so bleak, unsettling and intense, but utterly fantastic. It's the Requiem for a Dream of

Well, I finished Rise of the Tomb Raider over Turkey Day weekend. Then I started the campaign of Black Ops III, which though I have no f'n clue what is going on in the plot, I'm really enjoying the gameplay and the build-it-yourself options for your player.

I've never seen 3, 4 or 5, though I wore out a VHS combo of the first two back in the day and I now have them both on DVD. Anybody know if any of the later sequels are streaming anywhere currently?

Certainly not high school, but if I got a cushy job at my alma mater, an expensive liberal arts college, I'd be raking in the dough! Possibly. With tenure, maybe.

Now that I think about it, at the height of my Square fandom and more generous free time while I was in college, probably the first Square game that I didn't finish because it got too slow and tedious was the original Xenogears.

I think there is just something about JRPGs where they reach there max appeal when you are in Middle School/High School. Nothing will ever top the feeling of being 13 and playing FFVII.

You never go full bear rape.

I think deep frying a saxophone might be the New Yorkiest thing that ever New Yorked.

Yeah, I haven't picked up RB4 yet because I can't decide if I just want to get the game and use my old instruments, shell out $200 for all new gear or just wait and buy some new drums because the guitar works just fine and I play the drums more anyway.

How do the new instruments compare to the old ones? I still have my Rock Band 2 gear, and it still works though the drums are a little beat to hell.

Is winning the game as seemingly arbitrary and random as it is in Wii Party? That's kind of what turned us off from that, it was more about luck than skill.

Syndicate was great, but it is definitely one of the easiest of all the AC games if you level up with the side quests.

Deep fried saxophone? And here I was thinking we in the South have fried everything possible. Pickles, tomatoes, Oreos, Snickers, Kool-aid…