Captain Ron J. MacReady

So it's not the steaming turd reviews have made it out to be? My wife looooooooves Animal Crossing, and we've had some fun times with Wii Party U and Mario Party. Games we can play together are few. Usually it's me shooting people and blowing shit up in one room, and her playing Sims, Minecraft and Animal Crossing in

Like Matt, I'm hoping to finish Rise of the Tomb Raider this weekend.

Yes. I'm not sure how (or if?) they tweaked it, but it was significantly less irritating on my PS4 playthrough.

Slow is an understatement. I bought P4 in a flash sale last year for my Vita, and after over a hour of that kind of "push X to continue" stuff I abandoned it never to return. Freedom Wars had the same problem.

Agreed, on PS3. BUT, the remastered PS4 version polishes many of the turd-like aspects of UC1 and its overall gameplay feel is much more like 2.

Name it "The Velveteen Touch of a Dandy Fop."

Oh jeez, Virtual Console—the DEFINITION of what both delights and confounds me about Nintendo.

eyefuls of buttcrack

Nintendo both delights and confounds me. Super Mario Maker is an absolutely genius idea hamstrung by Nintendo's arcane online infrastructure. Then they decide to release an Animal Crossing spinoff rather than a regular game, when simply making an HD version of Animal Crossing would've sold a bajillion copies.

I had the same thoughts about Skyrim.

After I finished Assassin's Creed: Syndicate last week, I blazed through the campaign of Halo 5: Guardians in marathon sessions two nights in a row. While I get a lot of the criticism leveled at it—which is ridiculous nit-picking to angry Stars War nerd levels at times*—I absolutely loved the campaign. I'd like to

Yeah 2015 has been a letdown for Wii U after it had such as stellar year in 2014. Usually the worst you can expect from Nintendo is a good-but-not-great game, but judging by reviews Mario Tennis and AC: Amiibo Festival are simply bad games. If not for Super Mario Maker I'd have barely turned my Wii U on this year,

Stabler: "You're tellin' me sandwiches gave this guy a hard-on?"

The sad thing is, Jared has no vinaigrettes for what he's done.

It's the "chew bacon" defense?

It doesn't burn as much as spicy pedophilia.

Gears of War is that scene if Arnie and Carl had Guy Fieri haircuts and were on fire.

Well, zombies mode has always been very hard to solo, and I don't think they intend you to. I've gotten much farther in previous games with a full squad of four. Having buddies to revive you when you're downed makes it easier. You'd think they'd add a different mechanic (three lives, maybe?) to the solo version to

I wish I knew, but I keep getting my brains eaten around the fourth round playing solo. If there's any plot advancement in the later rounds I'll probably never see it.

This game is like the video game equivalent of the Schwarzenegger / Weathers handshake scene in Predator.