Captain Ron J. MacReady

I haven't played the campaign yet, but I really like how this installment really embraces the inherent ridiculousness of the series. The MP is so over-the-top it's awesome in an '80s sci-fi movie kind of way.

I'm playing Star Wars: Battlefront via EA Access on my Xbox, and I have to say it's the most Star Wars-y feeling Star Wars game I've ever played. The Walker Assault mode especially makes you feel like rebel scum in the proverbial shit.

The original trilogy is a perfect pepperoni, with the right balance of sauce, cheese and topping.

To me, Star Wars is like pizza—even when it's bad, it's still pretty good.

I love this movie.

Not sure if serious. There really was a Roman emperor named Commodus.

If you have PS+ and have been "buying" the Vita titles you should have a nice little library ready to go. But here's a link to what you can play on it: https://store.playstation.c…

I beat Assassin's Creed: Syndicate last night! I'd put it in my top 3 AC games alongside II and Black Flag, though I haven't played Rogue. I really loved the Dreadful Crimes missions. I could play a whole game's worth of them, say an L.A. Noire style AC spinoff where you use the animus to solve crimes throughout time.

I'm with you, maybe it's the polite southerner in me, but I always power through even if it is terrible, kinda like how I've never bailed on even the most awkward date or social gathering.

I am now picturing a man watching a movie on Netflix. He is hooked up to an EEG machine. The needle bounces between "bored / enjoying it." Behind a one-way mirror are scientists in white lab coats and clipboards, muttering, nodding and jotting notes. Suddenly, the needle darts all the way to the left, in the red area

To me it just seems like approaching film more like a scientist than an art lover.

This is an intriguing concept, but I could never do this.

It was weird. I literally just suspended it for a few seconds until my dogs shut up. You couldn't pause the opening cinematic.

It is a totally bitchin' place, but isn't that more of an alternate dimension than post-apocalypse though?

Sunset City from Sunset Overdrive doesn't seem all bad, it's got a killer soundtrack, plenty to do and King Buzzo rocks out. There are those pesky mutants though.

I'm really digging it so far, BUT…

So does Deez Nuts get his 12 minutes as well?

That is a lot of info to glean from a simple look. Clearly you have been married longer than I.

This is why monster trucks were invented. Crush 'em!

Best Buy has always, well, delivered when I pre-order games from them as long as I get expedited shipping.