Captain Ron J. MacReady

Got my ship notice! Crisis averted!

For some reason my Best Buy copy hasn't shipped yet even though I preordered it eons ago. They better overnight that shit.

So what system is everyone playing it on?

I found it comical in the first TR (and most games that do this) that the bad guys not only left exploding barrels all over the freakin' place, they also liked to hang out around them in groups. You'd think they'd get wise after about the first 50 times you murdered them in an epic fireball.

In response to your other comment: Tomb Raiders of the Lost Ark

Ha, yeah I guess UC2 kinda borrowed its plot too. I just played through the UC trilogy so it was fresh on my mind.

Start this or Fallout 4 first, hmm… *flips coin*

2 Tomb 2 Raider

I'd join you, but Syndicate has made me go cold turkey on Destiny.

*hurls epithets at Brad V., K/D ratio improves to 3/1*

When I was about seven years old, I sneak-watched Creepshow on HBO one night after my parents went to bed. I had relentless, terrible nightmares about the "Father's Day" zombie for a month solid after that.

After a while, all Destiny players start to sound like cigarette smokers who can't seem to quit.

I'm getting it today too, but I'm not ashamed. Not a bro dude either, but I love CoD. I kinda suck at it though. Maybe I should consume more Dew, Red Bull, Slim Jims and Doritos. And perhaps wear a backwards baseball cap when playing.

I'm doing the same, playing Syndicate while I've barely played MGSV since I got it since I'm kind of overwhelmed by it. Finishing Syndicate seems entirely doable, MGSV seems so daunting. I had the same problem with The Witcher 3. Even though I liked the game, its annoying quirks coupled with its ridiculous amount of

I'm still whittlin' away at Assassin's Creed: Syndicate, hoping to finish it up this weekend just in time for Rise of the Tomb Raider and Fallout 4.

The craziest thing about it was that I rarely eat Taco Bell. My wife and I got some one night when we were too tired to cook. I saw that the drink cups had codes to win video game stuff, so I entered mine online and actually fished my wife's out of the garbage to enter hers.

They sacrificed a lot to make it 60 fps apparently, which makes little sense since every previous game was just fine at 30 fps.

You can touch mine, but no looking.

Eat Taco Bell every meal! Gaming trumps health!

I give his review of this review a C-, it lacked nuance.