Captain Ron J. MacReady

Screw that! I bust out the BRAWNDO for my Halo 5 seshes. It's got what plants crave!

I do! And I preordered Halo 5, but I've barely touched it. Haven't started the campaign but have played a few rounds of warzone, which was really fun. I can't seem to tear myself away from Assassin's Creed: Syndicate though.

*pours out some beer in honor of his dead homie Suncoast*

I wonder what camera they used to capture such a high level of detail…

—The AV Club

If they're Templars, they would certainly make for a baleful antagonist.

Unity is a much different game now that the buggy mess I got at launch as a pack-in with my Xbox One. I popped it in last week and it truly is a beautiful game, more so than Syndicate which I think they scaled back a bit in favor of a steady 30fps.

Yep, that was the one.

If you've got a last gen machine, AC II is in my opinion is the best the series has to offer.

I have no problem with them going backwards, but please don't do a caveman AC. It seems like 2016 is going to be the year of the caveman/dinosaur game for some damn reason.

I was cursing the controls when I had to do a tailing mission that I thought you had to complete by following a carriage from the rootops. I kept getting stuck on the chimneys and losing sight of the carriage and failing. I restarted like 20 times.

Have you played it? I've enjoyed it more than Arkham Knight, and it's as fun as Mordor.

After the frustrating Unity last year, I was ready to take a break from AC games.

Chris Hemsworth is … "I'm in Everything Else, Why Not This Too" Bond

I don't know how I've never seen this because it combines three of my favorite things:

The "moth joke" from Conan just kills me.

That right there is the show Minority Report should have been.


Just when I think reality TV is awful enough, here comes AV Club to remind me that it can be even awfuller.

That Linus is terrifying, but there's something about Linus with a HAIRY ARM that makes it even more horrific. It's like, that's not a blanket, but a sack he's going to stuff you in when he kidnaps you, like those creatures in Bloodborne.