Captain Ron J. MacReady

I really like how they refined one of my favorite parts of Unity, the murder mysteries, which were a lot of fun but marred by a clunky interface. I'm actually looking forward to the Jack the Ripper DLC now.

A lot of them. I guess that's how it is in real life, illegal street racing attracts a special kind of douchebag.

I'm a horror nut so I don't think I've ever turned something off for being too scary or gross, but Drew Fortune's entry reminds me of a story:

Loved Borderlands 2, but the Pre-Sequel left me cold and I still haven't finished it.

Every time I see it, The Killers' "Runaways" pops into my head.

Those freaking zombies, whatever they're called, THAT KEEP COMING AT YOU in Dying Light. Screw those guys.

All other games have fallen by the wayside—even Destiny!—as I sneak and slash my way through Assassin's Creed: Syndicate. Though it's not without its flaws, I think it's the best, most focused and fun of the series since II (Not to discount the excellent IV, but I still feel like that is a pirate game with AC window

Giallos are probably the nadir of over-explaining the killer's motives, just about every one ends with the killer unmasked and an often completely bananas and illogical reason for why they did it. But I do still unabashedly love them, though only a handful stick the landing.

I LOL'd too. At least he didn't say, "Git gud!"

Great interview. He's truly a god amongst men. A video game playing, basketball-loving god. I want John Carpenter to be my PSN friend.

A repeater is a type of rifle that was popular in the old west? Maybe?

You can fuck my wife but YOU CAN'T WATCH MY TV!!!
…sorry, wrong movie.

*doubles over with laughter, also farts*

It's on youtube, called "From One Second to the Next"

Have you seen Herzog's short film about texting and driving he made for AT&T? Holy crap, it's like a horror movie.

I think the case could be made that the early 2000s were the defining era for horror comedies. There's been a ton of them, and a lot are surprisingly good.

Is he waiting to drop character until after the DVD commentary?

Yeah, that's a bit of a weird #1. I can see it being on the list, but is it really the best horror flick of the past 15 years (when it's really from 1999)? Nah.

There's a few on their list I'd disagree with or rank lower (didn't really care for The Host and Audition), and I'd add Session 9, The Mist and either The Conjuring or Insidious to the top 25, probably.

No love for James Wan at all, I see. The first Saw, Insidious and The Conjuring are strange omissions from a discussion about horror since 2000. Heck, even Dead Silence has only grown in esteem since its release.