Captain Ron J. MacReady

Yeah, then you get to the ridiculously tough final boss, which is some pure, uncut, pharmaceutical-grade bullshit. Having a balls-hard end boss in a game that had zero bosses up to that point was the biggest misstep in an otherwise great game. After about the 20th try at killing him I almost switched to easy

The PS4 port got a bad rap for being kind of broken at launch, but patches have fixed it and it's a blast to play. I was going to hold out for a sale too, but I figured $25 was worth it since I only had SSFIV on my PS3 and never bought any of the costume DLC.

I've never been a fan of Aaron Sorkin's style. Danny Boyle and David Fincher however are two of my favorite directors. So much like The Social Network is my least favorite Fincher film, I've got a feeling Steve Jobs will be the same for me in Boyle's oeuvre. Unless it's like Moneyball where the subject is so

Only a month now until the Old Hunters DLC arrives. *sharpens Ludwig's holy blade*

If you listen to jazz you've got the hat trick.

This is a tough one, I'm an only child, and that's not a dynamic well-represented in pop culture. Add to that I'm an only child of a Mormon family, which is like a unicorn.

Wasn't Stabbing Hobos a '90s band?

A bazillion gajillion PewDiePie fans, apparently. *Tells millennials to get off his lawn*

I'm all for the more color thing too, but it's kind of funny that two of my favorite games of this year were of the drab grays 'n' browns variety—Bloodborne and Mad Max. And I'm about to start Assassin's Creed: Syndicate too.

Wish I was in on the SFV beta. {Place sad panda gif here}

Yeah, I just opened a quest to complete five heroic strikes, so that sounds like a plan. I've also got three Three of Coins so that should help too. But like I said it all depends on if AC: Syndicate gets its (grappling) hooks in me.

Yeah, I played on normal this time because I played them all on easy the first time around. Overall normal is a fun challenge, because you actually have to be aware of enemy placement and plan your attack from cover accordingly. On easy the run-and-gun approach worked because it took a lot of hits to kiill you.

I was pretty blown away by the remaster job they did with UC1. It looks on par with a current gen AAA release. And they refined the gunplay to be more in line with how it handles in 2. The jetski section still blows though.

'Tis better to be an asset to the fireteam than a liability, so I might sit this one out…

Stepped away from Destiny a little bit this week and blazed my way through parts 1 and 2 of the Uncharted Collection on normal difficulty. I forgot how controller-smashingly frustrating the final few levels and end boss of UC2 were. How anybody can beat it on crushing difficulty is beyond me.

I might join the raid, I played some last night and got up to light level 280. Is that high enough for King's Fall or will I get my ass handed to me?

How crafty of you.

Since that's Alex Proyas' first film in seven years I still want to see it.

Long as they're making movies of '80s toys involving holograms, gimme a Visionaries movie! Knights of the magical light, dammit!

Shortly before the sequel hits theaters, they'll re-release an extended version of the first with 30 minutes of footage edited back in.