Captain Ron J. MacReady

I thought it was incredibly well-done. I watched the movie half expecting to play a game of "pick out the fake Paul" but after not being able to tell the difference for about the first 30 minutes I settled in for what was a kick-ass action movie and a sweet tribute to the actor.

Were you watching me play the beta?

Warwick Davis as M.O.D.O.K.

I found Excalibur even more fascinating when I learned it basically came out of a failed production of a live-action Lord of the Rings that would have been about as batshit crazy as Boorman's other films. United Artists, who was going to fund it, ran out of money after some flops, so they made the animated LoTR

Probably why I never saw it as a kid too. I finally saw it on DVD and it was kind of lame, but would have probably worshipped it when I was a pre-teen, much like I did with The Beastmaster, which I saw roughly a zillion times thanks to HBO.

I've always wondered what sparked the sword and sorcery craze of the early '80s, since Excalibur is probably the earliest example but it did really poor box office.

I make pennies an hour by surreptitiously marketing to the not-so-lucrative 30-something lower middle-class cynical av junkie market!

But there was an awesome NES game!

I wonder if the rights were sold to Disney as part of the Star Wars deal?

I think you could say Willow marked the end of an era—it was one of the last pre-CGI fantasy blockbusters (though the animal morph scene is considered a massive breakthrough of digital effects on film).

They should add the visages of true Australian national icons like Bon Scott, Paul Hogan, Angry Andersen and George Miller to their dollarydoos while they're at it.

Ooops, sorry, yeah if it involves numbers and/or math I am absolutely terrible at it.

A Maniac Mansion or Telltale Games-style game of Rocky Horror could be pretty interesting.

Indeed! Blast and damn it to hell!

And I take it Xur is the only place to get Three of Coins, right? Or is it a reward somewhere too?

What's the best way to get a year 2 exotic weapon? Xur is selling a sniper rifle this weekend,but I'm itching to get an exotic primary weapon.

What did you think of Crota's End? I thought it was kind of a slog, and I'm not sure if I ever want to run it again.

I think I'd be more of a liability than an asset in King's Fall since I'm at light level 245, but have fun!

Where is the Court of Oryx? Does it not open up until you're a higher light level (I'm 245 now)? I have several of the runes in my inventory.

So the Destiny Gameological Fireteam has more than 25 members now! I hope it's been a useful tool for everyone to find people to play with. We did the Crota's End raid with a full group of six on Wednesday. Did anyone else group up that night?