Captain Ron J. MacReady

After the abject ridiculousness of A Good Day to Die Hard, what sliver of plausibility there has ever been in this series went out the window. So why don't they just go full-on Moonraker and make something completely bonkers?


I, for one, ain't 'fraid of no ghosts.

Hmm, I knew something was up when Pitchfork gave Kenny Loggins' "I'm Alright" a 9.7

Like I said above, rule #1 of the community is "Be excellent to each other." So no trolling, griefing, hate speech, etc. allowed. I'll do my best to keep the community asshole- and jagoff-free.

I don't know how well the search function works if you want to look for it, otherwise I'll send you an invite when I get home this evening. They have yet to add community functions to the mobile app.

For me personally, blurting out "shit" and "fuck" is sometimes an involuntary response, but I'm a potty mouth. My wife gives me the side eye sometimes after a particularly grueling Destiny session.

Having a headset certainly helps, if only to be able to listen to instructions from your more seasoned teammates.

Yeah, communities are a new thing with the PS4 update 3.0. If you join, you'll be able to see who in the community is playing Destiny even if you're not PSN friends with them. Could be a good way to meet up with other players who aren't in the CST/EST time zone like most of us.

Right. Upping your light level is a lot slower going than your base level.

Not months, more like a couple weeks of casual play. I got the Taken King the Friday after launch and started a new Hunter character. I only play for a few hours at a time a couple of nights a week. Bungie.net says I've put in 22 and a half hours.

I assumed that Bungie was trying to up their nerd cachet by casting Dinklage, same goes with Nathan Fillion. Difference is Fillon is a great voice actor. He made Halo 3: ODST interesting.

We may have enough folks show up that we'll have to split into two groups. Ideally, we'll have at least one per group who's done the raid before and can guide us.

I'd like to see them branch out into a whole other genre, like how Naughty Dog went from kid-friendly platformers to serious action-adventure. But sci-fi shooters have been Bungie's thing since Marathon, and with Destiny supposedly having a "10-year plan" I don't see that happening anytime soon.


If you've got the addiction, I've started a PS4 Destiny community for Gameological readers. It's called Gameological Destiny Fireteam, and we're about 16 members strong now. If you want to join, post your PSN ID here and I'll send you an invite. Or drop me a line, I'm cseunuch.

Also thrift store mandates:

Cool, I'll send you an invite.

You can get the Destiny Taken King Legendary Edition, which is the base game + Dark Below + House of Wolves + The Taken King for $60 (or cheaper if you can find it). Since the Taken King is $40 by itself and used copies are about $20 that may be worth it for you. I bought mine for $50 with the Gamer's Club discount at

I bought it at launch too and played through the story stuff and a few strikes and grew bored with it quickly. I ended up trading it in.