Captain Ron J. MacReady

Yes! And I love Rock Band and want to get this but my old PS3 instruments are beat to hell, I'll have to dust 'em off and see if they still work.

Serious question: have you ever sat down and listened to Exile on Main St.?

Man, that would be perfect to have a vet there to help out Raid rookies like me. I'll try to make a community and send some invites this weekend.

While I agree about the Beatles—see my above comment about the "deep cuts"—I do subscribe to the notion that The Beach Boys' Pet Sounds is one of the best albums of all time. The rest of their catalog I'm pretty ambivalent about.

They fall into the same category as Led Zeppelin for me—overplayed on the radio so I don't actively listen to them.

Tom Waits and Radiohead definitely for me, and Wilco is another one. As far as film goes, Woody Allen come to mind.

Right on.. but you'll have to excuse me because I work in the PR/marketing field, and I guess I'm thinking of it in that way. I didn't want to start a AV Club community and usurp the "brand," so to speak.

Perhaps for now we can create our own Destiny players' community, and let the poobahs of the AV Club make the general, official one when they deign to do so.

Anyone can create a community, but I thought I'd put it out there for the AV Club staff to create an official one if they're so inclined.

Well said. My grandpa started work as a coal miner after WWII with no high school diploma, was trained by the company to be an electrician, and retired as the head educator in their electrician's program with a pile of money. I'm afraid success stories like that just don't happen anymore.

Other than playing "watch some college football and clean the house" this weekend, I'll most likely be playing more Destiny. I've got my hunter up to level 32 now. I'd love to get into some of the endgame stuff like raids but have no idea how to join a fireteam since there's no matchmaking. Any help for the

So it's kinda like the GBA e-reader with the first AC game all over again.

How much does having the NFC reader and Amiibo cards add to the experience? The review doesn't mention this aspect so I assume you can enjoy the game just fine on a regular ol' 3DS without buying the peripheral?

Things that have made me feel old as fuck #425:

also featuring songs performed by Wire

Coming soon, from the makers of Twitter: a way to share your thoughts with no character limit: BLEATER. Register today!

You like-a wheezin' the juice? Is good, ah?

Funny, I'm familiar with Service because of my dad as well. My dad was stationed in Alaska when he was in the army, an older officer there introduced him to Service's poetry.

They should take a page out of Mark of the Devil and hand out barf bags with your 3D glasses.

But I already saw a million-dollar CAR jump between two towers in this summer's Furious 7! He's just a normal dude!