Captain Ron J. MacReady

For me this was the Angus soundtrack. Killer pop punk/power pop soundtrack, forgettable movie.

My nostalgia for the VHS era is about the box art. It was sooo much better then, mainly because it had to catch your attention on the video store shelves. Blu-ray art is just shitty floating heads 90% of the time.

I've finished the story and done a lot of the side stuff. It's been one of my favorite games of the year and one of the few games I want to try and 100%. A new patch just dropped yesterday too that's supposed to smooth out some of the game's rough edges. Maybe it's time to tear myself away from Destiny and return to

Aw, why you gotta diss Chumbucket? He's the best video game buddy in a long time!

Yes! He's good in everything. See: The Guest, John Wick.

So, like I said over in the Shooter Tutor thread, I re-bought Destiny because of all the good buzz about The Taken King. I've started from scratch with a new hunter, and just hit level 11. As someone who played the game at launch and abandoned it after completing the story, I have to say they've done a great job of

Well you make a good point. Mobile games are highly lucrative in part because they're so reasonably priced. More people are inclined to drop $2 out of curiosity as opposed to $10 or $20.

Yeah I bought The Taken King Legendary Edition, which has the base game, the two expansions (Dark Below and House of Wolves) and the TTK content, for $60. Not terrible considering TTK is $40 by its lonesome and the expansions are $20 a pop.

Sky Captain would make a fabulous My World of Flops, if it hasn't been one already.

WAR TAPES! BF4 has some of the best sound in a video game ever.

I love horror games and want to try this, but it also makes me want to rant:

Not at all. I wish I'd never traded it in now that I have a new AV setup at home. I bet it kicks ass with a killer 5.1 setup. It scared the bejeebus out of me with headphones.

Yeah, it's a lot to take in for a noob, especially if you cut your teeth on twitchy FPSes like CoD and Halo. And one's enjoyment of BF4, in my opinion, hinges on how much you dig the vehicular combat.

Yeah the "glory days of the Super Nintendo online multiplayer service" tells me he's taking the piss, but I'm not sure what the joke/intent here is. Do idiots actually sell their PSN/XBLive accounts on eBay?

Battlefield 4, after two years of updates and refinement, is pretty fantastic, and can be picked up for dirt cheap now.

Eh, the newer ones like Forza 6 offer enough difficulty options that they're actually quite welcoming to players of any skill level. They're still hard as crap with all the assists turned off, but only the hardest of the core who spend hundreds on racing wheel setups play like that anymore far as I know. I usually

Street Fighter IV would be brutal. I've been playing SF games since the first one hit arcades. I consider myself pretty good and I can beat my friends pretty handily, but jeebus I get my ass handed to me if I play online.

Great feature, y'all. I'd like to see another focusing on Battlefield 4.

Can anyone think of any official live albums that were made to look like bootlegs other than The Who's Live at Leeds and Aerosmith's Live! Bootleg? It seems like that was a trend in the '70s because bootlegs had become so popular.