Captain Ron J. MacReady

Ol' Ironsides!

…and Haywood Jablowmy.

Sometimes I think
I spread my life too thin…

I fart on your shit!

Maybe this time they'll get on the merchandising bandwagon and give us all some cool (Not) Mr. Show shit.

Um, anycock'lldooooo?

Wider… wider… woah, not that wide!

Right! Couldn't remember the larger context!

Because of that one sketch where Bob's playing golf and calls the president (David) and cusses him out, a friend and mine's phone call sign-off to each other was "Thanks asshole, and fuck you!" for several years.

My shoes hurt! I'm strong like the Hulk!

I can only imagine, given Wan's recent resume, that this will be full of terrifying exorcism scenes punctuated with death-defying stunts and lots of sweet, sweet custom autos.

Sounds like the perfect movie to crack open a cold one, bust open a bag of chips, and step in a bear trap to!

It's not too late for them to rename it Throatpuncher.

Women Say the Darndest Things! with Bill Cosby

Dislikas gonna dislike.

"I have to take a leak so bad I can taste it," says Bob

*washes down handful of nuts and bolts with Metallica beer*

Abita Franklin

They should have called this "The Thing That Should Not Be"