Captain Ron J. MacReady

True. Poor choice of words. More like she's the series' typical self-serving villain.

The "this is why I stopped reading…" argument is null and void when you start bitching about the article you clearly just read.

In the midst of Mad Max mania spurred by the blu-ray release of Fury Road as well as the PS4 game, I rewatched Beyond Thunderdome last night. I realized that strong female characters weren't exactly a first for the series with Fury Road.

I was already an adult by the time Cake came along, otherwise I'd probably have eaten its goofiness up like I did the first Mr. Bungle album when I was 13.

Damn, that's where I know it from! Thanks, that was going to bug me all day.

I'd like to see what Dutch director Roel Reine, the man behind DTV sequels to several theatrical releases (Death Race, The Marine, 12 Rounds, The Man with the Iron Fists), could do with a real Hollywood budget.

Does someone really think a talking animal could make a successful sitcom? I say neigh!

I suppose I could share, my alphabetized, arranged by system, genre, and whether or not I've beaten it, Google Sheets doc of my games collection.

Ha, I've heard the term but I don't like it. It just sounds pejorative for some reason.

I also used to have an Atari Lynx, didn't sell it, it just gave up the ghost. That was a great handheld. It's a shame they never ported Gauntlet: The Third Encounter to anything so more people could play it.

I've always been either a rent it, or play 'em and trade 'em gamer, except for games with replay value like racers, fighters and sports games.

I've got an out-of-the-box Lenovo with a i3 processor and Intel HD graphics, so I've got no illusions of heavy-duty gaming on it. My wife plays the Sims 3 on it, and I rock some Civ IV every now and then.

I got into PC gaming for a while when I had a decent machine in the heyday of Unreal Tournament. Now, if I'm able to spend a few grand on something it's always going to be a bigger and better TV or surround system, not a gaming PC.

I rue the day I sold my Turbografx-16 with the CD add-on. I was one of the weird kids who had one of those but no SNES or Genesis. Wish I'd held onto it, but I did drop a wad of cash re-buying some of my favorite TG-16 games on the virtual console.

Oh yeah, I still have my Dreamcast but it's not hooked up to a TV. I still have a PS2 and Xbox, but the disc tray is broken on both.

I'm from Mississippi where I see friends drop thousands a year on huntin' and fishin' gear, so yeah, gaming can get expensive, but not buy-a-boat, rent-a-deer-camp expensive.

You are correct, sir! And a 3DS, Vita and PS3. I may have a problem.

On the Matlock tip—there's a phrase I thought I'd never utter—it wasn't until after many, many hours of Walker, Texas Ranger reruns did I realize that Walker's sidekick and Matlock's sidekick are one and the same—actor Clarence Gilyard Jr.

I think it's an "upgrade" for him.

I'm currently winding my way through the wasteland in Mad Max. I've been taking my time with the story and tackling the side stuff. I've cleared both Jeet's and Gutgash's territories of threat, now it's on to Pink Eye's, and my next story mission is a race where you supposedly get the V8 engine. It's a fantastic game