Captain Ron J. MacReady

Ditto on the Argento, Bava, Fulci and Soavi recommendations. But I think Sergio Martino should be considered one of the greats as well. Case of the Scorpion's Tail, The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh, Your Vice is a Locked Room and Only I Have the Key, All the Colors of the Dark—besides having awesome titles, they're all

Is there also a Found Them Last feature? Because I'd be on top of the leaderboards there. I'm still discovering cool bands I missed from the '90s via Spotify.

2 M. 2 Night

In Gastropub, she beats the shit of of people who write bad Yelp reviews.

I suppose they could make it a period piece and give Rhonda her own flowing, Swayze-esque fem-mullet.

Ronda Rousey IS Dalton in… BARCADE, from MGM Studios.

Do they even have roadhouses anymore in 2015?

Yoshi's Wooly Balls

Times are tough at Nintendo due to the lagging sales of the Wii U…

This looks undeniably cool, but how much value is there for someone who doesn't want to design levels, just to play them?

Tagline: It's STILL shite bein' Scottish!

*Sonnenfeld casts Will Smith as Lemony Snicket, who thens raps all the narration*

BREAKING: Technology improves! film video livestream at 11.

Review headline:

You could say she took burnt umbrage.

So I guess you could say… we won't be Sienna her in Black Mass!

You can give Feldman a nice wet lickery kiss. Make him feel like a woman.

Playing the new Mad Max game, there's literally rotting corpses everywhere, many inside cages. It's like jeez, did people forget how to bury bodies after the apocalypse?

Perhaps they will serve a gross, half-melted Baby Ruth as part of the experience.

But pubes are already twirled!