Captain Ron J. MacReady

No, but you get to chow down on virtual dog food!

Well I only played a little, but it was split fairly well between driving/car combat and on-foot exploring/Arkham-style fighting.

I still believe that his cowboy hat has some sort of magical powers. Because it can turn one of the ugliest men on earth into someone mildly attractive.

Is this a headline to a clickbait article? You forgot the link.

So it's not a movie about making out in a closet for an hour and a half?

But then it'd be called The ONEders, right? The O-need-ers? Something like that.

I think the short answer to "How did this get made?" is Will Smith's massive ego. Seriously dude, stop trying to make Jaden happen.

HERE BE SPOILERS: The twist is that there is no twist? It's a lot of lore-building with no payoff, presumably because they wanted to launch a franchise. Basically Will Smith sits hurt in a crashed spaceship and helps direct Jaden Smith to a place miles away where they can launch a distress beacon while a monster that

Played for a few hours last night, I love it. It definitely nails the tone and setting. The biggest complaint I'm hearing is that it devolves into a repetitive Ubisoft-style collect-'em-up towards the endgame, and that most of the gameplay is derivative rather than innovative. As long as it stays fun I'm on board. I

I recently gave ol' Shamalamadingdong the benefit of the doubt and watched After Earth. Hoo boy, what a waste. At least The Happening was so ridiculous it makes for a decent hate-watch a la Under the Dome. AE was just a crashing bore.

Show of hands: how many, like me, thought GERSBERMS! MY FAVRIT BERKS! and laughed hysterically when they saw the trailer for Goosebumps before Jurassic World this summer?

I'm thinking not naming this biopic My Little Phony is a missed opportunity.

Green jizz? He needs to lay off the kale!

I thought it was an adaptation of Bob Uecker's biography, Catcher in the Wry.

McCarthy is known for being a master of "broad comedy"

What I wanna know is, is Slimer doing the movie or not?

Campaign slogan:

Wow, huge bummer. I didn't even know he was battling cancer or that he was 76. He looked great for his age.

And he's clenching her in his cheeks late, late at night

Where can I find a butt like that?