Captain Ron J. MacReady

They're not—one sciences stuff, the other sciences the shit out of stuff.

* dodges tomatoes, prepares a nice marinara sauce from the shrapnel, eats a heaping helping of spaghetti, dies from GMO poisioning*

I'm with you, but I'm a huge Ridley Scott fan and generally enjoy everything he's done. *also dodges tomatoes*

2 Pro 2 Metheus

Prometheus 2: Fassbender's Head in a Duffel Bag

No ballet slipper required.

Original Motion Picture Soundtrack available on Slash Records

I too would choose Ron Swanson, because I'm all about two-hour turf 'n' turf lunches.

Love it too! Starting my second playthrough… three died the first time. Blast! Now I'm going to see if I can make them ALL bite the dust. Muah ha ha! Then I'll shoot for the perfect "everyone lives" playthrough.

Video game music from the pre-CD era was elegant in its simplicity. Like great pop songs, the chiptunes that stick in your head have an irresistible melodic hook that embeds itself in your brain. Modern games tend to have soundtracks that are orchestral, and by their nature, much more complex, or they're atmospheric,

I too mostly observed live music from the sidelines like some kind of punk rock anthropologist. When I played in a band, I understood that spitting beer on the band was a sign of approval, but it still annoyed the shit out of me. It was like, c'mon guys, I also enjoy dark chocolates and gummy bears if you wanna give

Best show I ever saw, Ministry, Lollapalooza '94, New Orleans. But I dared not go near the pit.

I had similar mom experiences regarding Guns 'n' Roses, but it's funny that what set off her alarm was Lies, presumably because she could actually understand the lyrics on songs like "Used to Love Her."

*slo-mo kicks in as Brutus stabs Caesar*

There's a reason the porn industry hasn't adopted 4K yet.

Too bad this wasn't a hit, then perhaps EA would bestow on us a remastered version with glorious 1080p/60fps dong.

There's a Mother Clucker's chicken & BBQ in Pass Christian, MS. Always good for a laugh when you drive by. I hear it's pretty damn good fried chicken too.

If I want bourbon-based drama, I'll just go to Thanksgiving at my uncle's.


After a few days of not shaving… "The beard stays! You go!"