Captain Ron J. MacReady

Probably Stand by Me.

Truly, 'twas the Citizen Kane of 1991.

Hmm, then maybe "watching TMNT II" is code for snorting coke off strippers' asses or something?

I'm not sure if this is a dig at Axl being late, or how fucking boring Tampa in 1991 must've been if the best thing a rock star has to do is watch TMNT II.

I swear the assault rifle has to be the weakest gun in the history of video game guns.

Also on the pizza tip, whenever I see pizza I say "Pizza! Great! Let's dig in!" or "Hey I want some!" in my best Ramone voice like in Rock 'n' Roll High School.

In the now-forgotten 1984 made-for-HBO movie Draw!, Kirk Douglas plays a gunslinger and James Coburn is a drunken ex-sheriff. There's a scene where Douglas asks Coburn if he'd like a drink and he makes this "Ooooo!" sound (you kinda have to see the movie, but it's hilarious).

I'm an advocate for more poop jokes in video games. Especially when it is weaponized poop.

Kinda like how I buy the new Call of Duty every year, play through the campaign and then screw around with the MP a little.

I've never been a Halo nut either—hence why I never bought a 360. Part of the purpose in me playing through the series is to decide whether I want to bother with 5 when it launches or just pick it up for cheaper down the road. There's so many freakin' games coming out this fall!

Am I weird for looking forward to Mad Max more than MGSV?

Yeah, screw those guys. I guess they felt they needed more enemy variety in 2 or something.

I decided to plow my way through Halo: The Master Chief Collection in preparation for part 5—I never played 3 or 4, and haven't played the first two since they came out.

I'm playing the original Halo on the Master Chief Collection right now, and I keep chucking grenades on accident because it's second nature now to try and ADS when I shoot.

Plus, my lung capacity is for shit now from the years I smoked coupled with the years of no longer having to blow into cartridges to make them work.

I bought Destiny at launch, burned through the SP content and enjoyed it. But I decided I'd trade it in while the value was good and to pick up the inevitable "GOTY" version with all the DLC packs eventually.

I just switched to Comcast to get 100mbps internet, but it's the first time I've had a data cap (300 GB). Between me downloading stuff on a PS4, Xbox One and PC, and my wife watching the shit out of Netflix, we burned through that 300 fairly easily.

Not only that, but nine times out of 10 you have to wait for a multi-GB day-one patch to download as well.

I always thought I really sucked at FPS, especially the twitchy kind like Call of Duty—we're talking 1-10 K-D ratios—but then I figured something out.

Not surprising he's a creep, after all, "ogle" is part of his name.