Captain Ron J. MacReady

Oh, great, some chicken! *bites into chicken* Oh, it's not chicken. Million laughs, pal.

Hmmm, yes. I was thinking Picasso's "Guernica"

OK, so if…

I thought his analysis was quite penetrating.

SNDN 2, 2: Bleed in Heavenly Pieces

If they want a DC Comics comedy, why not Ambush Bug?

Anna Karenina and her powers of wanton impropriety!

I was wowed by the voice commands when I got my XB1, but I mostly use the controller now. I liked being able to pause blu-rays, but I use my PS4 for movie-watching because the PS4 bitstreams lossless audio. The only Kinect-centric game I have is Fantasia, but it never grabbed me like other rhythm games have.

When the Clerks cartoon came out, it was on constant repeat at the house of party-dude nitwits I lived with in my early 20s.

Ha, it's a vital part of my and my best friend's inside joke lexicon, actually.

The steppin' on sneakers war never fails to make me laugh.

The Halloween one makes me think of one of those corporate PSAs made to make you think they're just regular folk.

Ha, I didn't consider web junk! Those G.I. Joe PSAs and Strong Bad emails make me crack up every time too.

I'm on Xbox, but the only "chatting" I ever hear is people who forget their Kinect has a mic and are listening to music, bullshitting with their friends, or screaming children and babies in the background. I'm a lone wolf like you though, so I've never made any concerted effort to be social.

Haven't played EGttR yet—I'm sure it'll be a PS+ freebie on down the line.

The end of The Jerk gets me every time.

sample dialogue


I see a missed opportunity here for getting some mileage out of poking fun at Sean Bean's half-man, half-bee character.

Yeah, and it felt like some sprawling sci-fi epic novel that someone tried to stuff into a 2-hour movie. But just like the Alan Smithee version of Dune, I don't think longer would necessarily be better.