Captain Ron J. MacReady

Oh, the pageviews AV Club gets simply because all gaming sites are blocked at my work.

PS4 all the way, it does 60sps (strokes per second).

Almost through with season five of Game of Thrones, so I might get back to some serious gaming this weekend. I have been getting in a few rounds of Rory McIlroy PGA Tour on the ol' Xbox here and there, which makes for a good answer to this week's question. Sports games are my go-to for procrastination, because a round

Even the book cover photo is creepy in a new light. I don't wanna know what the Coz is going to do with that finger.

I still have horrifying memories of the godawful NES Godzilla, so pass on this!

But from the New Warriors too there's Night Thrasher's love interest Silhouette, who could phase through objects like Kitty Pride. That's a real power right?

For me—I was 11 when The New Warriors #1 came out—it was the perfect entry point into comics. The Avengers at the time was so convoluted it was tough to get into, Spider-Man was in its dead serious McFarlane phase, X-Men was about to push the reset button—so here was a new team I could follow and I could follow their

Yeah, I loved the New Warriors when it came out but it was kinda the team for the losers that didn't fit anywhere else. Speedball? Darkhawk? Namorita? Marvel Boy? and um, Night Thrasher?

How dare he disrespect Russell Mulcahy, the director of such classics as Highlander II, and Alexander Witt, the industry's finest second unit director!

So Gamefly has turned into Columbia House?

I would love AV Club to do a piece where they track down the wheelchair kid from Mac & Me so we can all find out what he thinks of this.

Are you part man, part octopus? I tried to play Uprising but the controls made it impossible. I have massive man hands and I'm a lefty so I guess that was two strikes against me.

Why put off until tomorrow what you can do today?

The PS4 version is finally arriving. I didn't stop believin'.

Check out The Order: 1886. Definitely not an open world game, and the action is a lot like the Tomb Raider reboot. I thoroughly enjoyed it though the length was a bit disappointing for a $60 game when I bought it at launch. If you can find it for $20 that'd be perfect.

I've barely played any games the past two weeks because my wife finally talked me into watching all five seasons of Game of Thrones with her. We've got two episodes left in Season Four.

Protip: Putting quotation marks around what you Google makes it search for those exact terms.

I blame the internet for rock bands moving away from simple, iconic names like "The ______" and coming up with awful, long and nonsensical monikers. It's so they can be easily "Google-able."

When I was in high school, young and unschooled on older music—punk, power pop, etc.—things like Rhino Records compilations were the perfect gateway into that.