Captain Ron J. MacReady

The "Guess What Elmo" says like 40 different phrases about balls, and specifically "Elmo loves BALLS!"

If they had a talking McRib that shouted "what the fuck" at me while I ate it I'd eat at McDonald's every goddamn day.

Sure, but never realized he was also the voice of Mario et al.

I have the 3DS sequel but I never got around to finishing it. I need to do that. And they should add the original to the Wii U store and a download.

I just realized he's the same guy that does the narration on Bit.Trip Runner 2. Woah.

The common schoolyard rumors where I was from was that everything came out in Japan waaaaaaaayyy before it did in America.

I'd love to have about a 60" 4K TV to watch it on. Maybe by the time 4K Ultra HD blu-ray gets off the ground MM:FR will be one of the demo discs for the format and those damn TVs will be a little less 'spensive.

*Patiently awaits Blu-ray 3D release of Fury Road so his eyeballs can be disintegrated repeatedly in the comfy confines of his own home*

Credit cards and crippling debt

I know at some point I think it's either Batman or Gordon who says 'it's going to be a long night," which I'm guessing is a meta joke, seeing as how it took me about 10 hours to do everything but the game is supposed to take place over the course of one night. I think if I started doing all the Riddler challenges I'd

If you mean ESO, I'm playing on the XB1. Not having the HD space on my PS4 for another 60GB game was the deciding factor there, because I have 3TB on my Xbox. I really wish Sony would let us use external drives.

Meh, I tried a few of the puzzles and it was more frustration than fun, especially one where you had to activate a switch with the Batmobile winch and then hit targets with batarangs. I don't care about trophies so I watched the "true" ending on Youtube. Unless the boss battle against the Riddler is super awesome, I

I just blazed through Batman: Arkham Knight during my week's vacation, and finished everything but the Riddler crap. It's up near the top of my list for 2015, but it doesn't have much replay value.

I would drink some Homicide if it were real. Wash it down with some Brawndo.

I always laugh at how Sony Pictures movies always have every electronic in them be a Sony. Yet I own a PS4, PS3, Vita, Sony Vaio laptop, two Sony surround receivers, two Sony televisions… but no shitty Xperia phone. Ya gotta draw the line somewhere.

THAT's what Google would like you to think!

Good God man, you're still using SDTV? Are you typing these comments via telegraph while you're at it?

Of their hits, "The Trooper" rules all.

An 18-minute epic song has my interest piqued. That relatively boring (by Maiden standards) album art does not.

It's amazing how much the blurriness of SDTV's helped mask the blockiness/jaggyness of early polygonal graphics. Luckily a lot of Suikoden 2 is sprite-based.