Captain Ron J. MacReady

Heavy is the um, head, that wears the crown.

I'm more curious about what kind of contest one wins a throne made of dildos in. Is this one of those casino giveaways? HBO/Astroglide cross-promotion?

Let's play the match the current presidential candidate with a song game!

Where I come from, the over-privileged rich white boys listen to vaguely funky/pothead-friendly bro rock like Dave Matthews, Phish, Jack Johnson, etc. I like to call them "trustafarians."

Malkmus gotta eat!

Is it a spinoff of JAG?

I (and my wife especially) love all things Animal Crossing, but I don't care for any of Nintendo's "party" titles. I find them boring and their rules arbitrary. So I'm definitely torn on that one.

Do no politicians ever listen to the lyrics to the songs they want to use or do they just glance at the song title and go "that's perfect"?

Yeah seriously, most of the new stuff was franchise spinoffs that focus on multiplayer. YAWN. I get that things like the new Zelda are geared towards kids who can co-op with their fellow 3DS-owning buddies on the playground. But between this, and the focus on Amiibo and Skylanders, it's like Nintendo is forgetting a

I, for one, cannot wait to see the Clueless Gamer that pits Conan against the almighty HOOP GAWD in NBA Live 16.

Having never played through Ico/Shadow of the Colossus (though I have both on PS3) and not being much a Final Fantasy fan anymore, Sony's show kind of left me cold.

There's this little band called Black Oak Arkansas that would like to have a chat with this story's headline writer.


I hope Sony's got something completely unannounced up their sleeve to rival XB1's backward compatibility.

Even though you'll have a digital copy, you'll probably have to have the 360 disc in the drive to play, like they did with the 360-to-XB1 upgrade program with Battlefield 4 and CoD: Ghosts.

I'm excited precisely because I've never owned a 360. BC just saved me the bucks I was thinking about shelling out to play some of the 360 games I missed.

Did they even mention Kinect at all this year? I didn't watch the stream but none of the news items I've seen say jack about Kinect.

PS Now would be worth a damn if they would allow us to play for free the GAMES WE'VE ALREADY PAID FOR. I've got about 100 digital games on my PS3. But come to think of it a lot are PS Plus freebies…

I'm playing the Elder Scrolls Online, so probably a few minutes, and obviously death by an arrow to the kn…aw forget it.

Comcast and AT&T are unfortunately the only options here. C-Spire has an initiative to setup a gigabit fiber optic network in Mississippi, but they're doing it by asking people to make a $10 good faith deposit for service and then only installing it when a neighborhood meets a certain quota of sign-ups. And then the